Flower Show held at JRD Tata on 30.12.08
VI International Conference on Mechanochemistry and Mechanical Alloying (INCOME-2008) during 01-04.12.08
NML Foundation Day on 26.11.08
NML Foundation Day’s Cultural Programme on 26.11.08
CSIR Foundation Day Celebration on 26.09.08
Hindi Programme on 19.09.08
Workshop on Advancements in Steels for Defence Applications during 18-20.09.08
Hindi Pakhwada Celebration at NML on 10.09.08
ISO Audit on 09.09.08
East Singhbhum District Carrom Tournament during 30-31.08.2008
RC Meeting on 25.08.08
TAREMAC Meeting on 22.08.08
Independence Day Celebration at NML on 15.08.08
Independence Day’s Cultural Programme at NML on 15.08.08
Sit and Draw-Essay Competition on 13.08.08
World Environment Day Celebration at NML on 05.06.08
Training programme on Agglomeration and characterisation of iron bearing raw materials (ACIM-08) during 16-18.04.08
Hussain-Zaheer Bridge Tournament held at NML during 29-30.03.08
Hindi Programme on 28.03.08
Theme meeting on Nanostructured Advanced Materials during 27-29.03.08
Training Programme on NFTP-2008 during 27-29.02.08
Training Programme on CAFP-2008 during 25-26.02.08
Training Programme on CSIR E-Journals consortia-2008 by Indianjournls.Com
Workshop on Automated Ball Indentation Test on 29.01.08
RC-Meeting on 28.01.08
Republic Day Celebration on 26.01.08
Cricket game by NML Ladies Club at Agrico ground on 19.01.08