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School on “Characterisation and Conservation of Archeological objects during Oct 13-17, 2014 at CSIR-NML Jamshedpur
INAE Study Group on Indian Engineering Heritage on Metallurgy
Forthcoming Event
School on Characterisation and Conservation of Archaeological Objects
(under the aegis of INAE Study Group on Indian Engineering Heritage on Metallurgy)
Organized by the INAE Study Group
Venue: CSIR-National Metallurgical Laboratory, Jamshedpur
During 13-17 October, 2014Background
The ‘INAE Study Group on Indian Engineering Heritage on Metallurgy’ (http://www.inae.in/projects.html) was constituted in 1996 to carry out studies related to metallurgical heritage. Prof. S. Ranganathan (Professor, IISc/NIAS); formerly, President, Indian Institute of Metals) was the founder Chairman of the Study Group which is now headed by Dr. Baldev Raj (President, INAE; Director, NIAS) as Honorary Chairman. The Study Group is actively involved in promoting the cause of Indian heritage in metals and alloys as well as in the conservation of archaeological relics of the country. Long term sustainability of these activities calls for building of human resources and an inter-disciplinary approach involving metallurgists, material scientists, historians and practising archaeologists. A knowledge of the scientific basis of conservation as well as characterisation techniques are key to the systematic learning and practising of this profession.
A five day ‘School on Characterisation and Conservation of Archaeological Objects’, targeting students and faculties in archaeology, culture and archaeomaterials, is being organized by the INAE Study Group and will be held at CSIR-National Metallurgical Laboratory during 13-17 October, 2014. The school will cover classroom lectures by leading experts in various areas of conservation and characterisation, experimental demonstrations and visual displays.
The list of topics/themes to be covered is as follows:
Characterisation and Conservation of Archeological Objects (general)
Microstructure in metallurgical processing
Conservation and characterization of iron objects
Conservation and characterization of brass/bronze objects
Authenticity test of archeological objects
Characterisation Techniques
Chemical characterization (trace to bulk)
Microstructural characterization (Optical and SEM)
X-ray based techniques (XRF and XRD)
Nondestructive (NDT) techniques
Carbon dating
Clays and clay pottery objects
Gems and Gemstones in antiquity
Conservation of stone and archeological monuments
Conservation of paintings and wooden objects
Conservation of paper and old manuscripts
The purpose of the school is to inspire and bring the youngsters to fore for the long term sustainability and growth of the discipline. The selection of the participants will be on national basis.
Contact Us
Dr. S. Srikanth, Chairman
INAE Study Group on Indian Engineering Heritage on Metallurgy &
Director, CSIR-National Metallurgical Laboratory, Jamshedpur – 831 007, Jharkhand
Email: ssrikanth@nmlindia.org/director@nmlindia.org
Tel : 0657-2345202/2345028; Fax : 0657-2345213Dr. U. Kamachi Mudali, Co-Chairman
Head, IGCAR Technology Transfer Cell
Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalapakkam – 602 102, Tamil Nadu, INDIA
Email: kamachi@igcar.gov.in ; ukmudali@gmail.comDr. N.G. Goswami, Convenor
CSIR- National Metallurgical Laboratory, Burmamines, Jamshedpur – 831 007, INDIA
Email: ngg@nmlindia.org ; ngg1@rediffmail.com
© Copyright 2012 Indian Metallurgical Heritage Study Group; Created & Maintained by IMDC CSIR-NML Jamshedpur