= 3.5.2 * * - Open Window -> Preferences -> Servers and set Default Web Server to: http://localhost:8080 * - Deploy JavaBridgeTemplate.war * - Create a new Project using .../apache-tomcat-7.0.75/webapps/JavaBridgeTemplate as directory * - Open index.php and start debugger: Default Web Server with Zend Debugger (other options default) * - Click debug * * To debug standalone applications, remove zend_extension=ZendDebugger.so from your php.ini and set: * * * ;; activate the PHPDebugger in the php.ini * auto_prepend_file=PHPDebugger.php * * * - Debug your PHP scripts as usual. * * * @category java * @package pdb * @author Jost Boekemeier * @license GPL+Classpath exception * @version 7.0 * @link http://php-java-bridge.sf.net/phpdebugger */ /** @access private */ define ("PDB_DEBUG", 0); set_time_limit (0); if(!function_exists("token_get_all")) { dl("tokenizer.so"); } if ($pdb_script_orig = $pdb_script = pdb_getDebugHeader("X_JAVABRIDGE_INCLUDE", $_SERVER)) { if ($pdb_script!="@") { if (($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']=='') || (($pdb_script = realpath($pdb_script)) && (!strncmp($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], $pdb_script, strlen($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']))))) { $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'] = $pdb_script; // set to the original script filename } else { trigger_error("illegal access: ".$pdb_script_orig, E_USER_ERROR); unset($pdb_script); } } } if (!class_exists("pdb_Parser")) { /** * The PHP parser * @access private */ class pdb_Parser { const BLOCK = 1; const STATEMENT = 2; const EXPRESSION = 3; const FUNCTION_BLOCK = 4; // BLOCK w/ STEP() as last statement private $scriptName, $content; private $code; private $output; private $line, $currentLine; private $beginStatement, $inPhp, $inDQuote; /** * Create a new PHP parser * @param string the script name * @param string the script content * @access private */ public function __construct($scriptName, $content) { $this->scriptName = $scriptName; $this->content = $content; $this->code = token_get_all($content); $this->output = ""; $this->line = $this->currentLine = 0; $this->beginStatement = $this->inPhp = $this->inDQuote = false; } private function toggleDQuote($chr) { if ($chr == '"') $this->inDQuote = !$this->inDQuote; } private function each() { $next = each ($this->code); if ($next) { $cur = current($this->code); if (is_array($cur)) { $this->currentLine = $cur[2] + ($cur[1][0] == "\n" ? substr_count($cur[1], "\n") : 0); if ($this->isWhitespace($cur)) { $this->write($cur[1]); return $this->each(); } } else $this->toggleDQuote($cur); } return $next; } private function write($code) { //echo "write:::".$code."\n"; $this->output.=$code; } private function writeInclude($once) { $name = ""; while(1) { if (!$this->each()) die("parse error"); $val = current($this->code); if (is_array($val)) { $name.=$val[1]; } else { if ($val==';') break; $name.=$val; } } if (PDB_DEBUG == 2) $this->write("EVAL($name);"); else $this->write("eval('?>'.pdb_startInclude($name, $once)); pdb_endInclude();"); } private function writeCall() { while(1) { if (!$this->each()) die("parse error"); $val = current($this->code); if (is_array($val)) { $this->write($val[1]); } else { $this->write($val); if ($val=='{') break; } } $scriptName = addslashes($this->scriptName); $this->write("\$__pdb_CurrentFrame=pdb_startCall(\"$scriptName\", {$this->currentLine});"); } private function writeStep($pLevel) { $token = current($this->code); if ($this->inPhp && !$pLevel && !$this->inDQuote && $this->beginStatement && !$this->isWhitespace($token) && ($this->line != $this->currentLine)) { $line = $this->line = $this->currentLine; $scriptName = addslashes($this->scriptName); if (PDB_DEBUG == 2) $this->write(";STEP($line);"); else $this->write(";pdb_step(\"$scriptName\", $line, pdb_getDefinedVars(get_defined_vars(), (isset(\$this) ? \$this : NULL)));"); } } private function writeNext() { $this->next(); $token = current($this->code); if (is_array($token)) $token = $token[1]; $this->write($token); } private function nextIs($chr) { $i = 0; while(each($this->code)) { $cur = current($this->code); $i++; if (is_array($cur)) { switch ($cur[0]) { case T_COMMENT: case T_DOC_COMMENT: case T_WHITESPACE: break; /* skip */ default: while($i--) prev($this->code); return false; /* not found */ } } else { while($i--) prev($this->code); return $cur == $chr; /* found */ } } while($i--) prev($this->code); return false; /* not found */ } private function nextTokenIs($ar) { $i = 0; while(each($this->code)) { $cur = current($this->code); $i++; if (is_array($cur)) { switch ($cur[0]) { case T_COMMENT: case T_DOC_COMMENT: case T_WHITESPACE: break; /* skip */ default: while($i--) prev($this->code); return (in_array($cur[0], $ar)); } } else { break; /* not found */ } } while($i--) prev($this->code); return false; /* not found */ } private function isWhitespace($token) { $isWhitespace = false; switch($token[0]) { case T_COMMENT: case T_DOC_COMMENT: case T_WHITESPACE: $isWhitespace = true; break; } return $isWhitespace; } private function next() { if (!$this->each()) trigger_error("parse error", E_USER_ERROR); } private function parseBlock () { $this->parse(self::BLOCK); } private function parseFunction () { $this->parse(self::FUNCTION_BLOCK); } private function parseStatement () { $this->parse(self::STATEMENT); } private function parseExpression () { $this->parse(self::EXPRESSION); } private function parse ($type) { pdb_Logger::debug("parse:::$type"); $this->beginStatement = true; $pLevel = 0; do { $token = current($this->code); if (!is_array($token)) { pdb_Logger::debug(":::".$token); if (!$pLevel && $type==self::FUNCTION_BLOCK && $token=='}') $this->writeStep($pLevel); $this->write($token); if ($this->inPhp && !$this->inDQuote) { $this->beginStatement = false; switch($token) { case '(': $pLevel++; break; case ')': if (!--$pLevel && $type==self::EXPRESSION) return; break; case '{': $this->next(); $this->parseBlock(); break; case '}': if (!$pLevel) return; break; case ';': if (!$pLevel) { if ($type==self::STATEMENT) return; $this->beginStatement = true; } break; } } } else { pdb_Logger::debug(":::".$token[1].":(".token_name($token[0]).')'); if ($this->inDQuote) { $this->write($token[1]); continue; } switch($token[0]) { case T_OPEN_TAG: case T_START_HEREDOC: case T_OPEN_TAG_WITH_ECHO: $this->beginStatement = $this->inPhp = true; $this->write($token[1]); break; case T_END_HEREDOC: case T_CLOSE_TAG: $this->writeStep($pLevel); $this->write($token[1]); $this->beginStatement = $this->inPhp = false; break; case T_FUNCTION: $this->write($token[1]); $this->writeCall(); $this->next(); $this->parseFunction(); $this->beginStatement = true; break; case T_ELSE: $this->write($token[1]); if ($this->nextIs('{')) { $this->writeNext(); $this->next(); $this->parseBlock(); } else { $this->next(); /* create an artificial block */ $this->write('{'); $this->beginStatement = true; $this->writeStep($pLevel); $this->parseStatement(); $this->write('}'); } if ($type==self::STATEMENT) return; $this->beginStatement = true; break; case T_DO: $this->writeStep($pLevel); $this->write($token[1]); if ($this->nextIs('{')) { $this->writeNext(); $this->next(); $this->parseBlock(); $this->next(); } else { $this->next(); /* create an artificial block */ $this->write('{'); $this->beginStatement = true; $this->writeStep($pLevel); $this->parseStatement(); $this->next(); $this->write('}'); } $token = current($this->code); $this->write($token[1]); if ($token[0]!=T_WHILE) trigger_error("parse error", E_USER_ERROR); $this->next(); $this->parseExpression(); if ($type==self::STATEMENT) return; $this->beginStatement = true; break; case T_CATCH: case T_IF: case T_ELSEIF: case T_FOR: case T_FOREACH: case T_WHILE: $this->writeStep($pLevel); $this->write($token[1]); $this->next(); $this->parseExpression(); if ($this->nextIs('{')) { $this->writeNext(); $this->next(); $this->parseBlock(); } else { $this->next(); /* create an artificial block */ $this->write('{'); $this->beginStatement = true; $this->writeStep($pLevel); $this->parseStatement(); $this->write('}'); } if ($this->nextTokenIs(array(T_ELSE, T_ELSEIF, T_CATCH))) { $this->beginStatement = false; } else { if ($type==self::STATEMENT) return; $this->beginStatement = true; } break; case T_REQUIRE_ONCE: case T_INCLUDE_ONCE: case T_INCLUDE: case T_REQUIRE: $this->writeStep($pLevel); $this->writeInclude((($token[0]==T_REQUIRE_ONCE) || ($token[0]==T_INCLUDE_ONCE)) ? 1 : 0); if ($type==self::STATEMENT) return; $this->beginStatement = true; break; case T_CLASS: $this->write($token[1]); $this->writeNext(); if ($this->nextIs('{')) { $this->writeNext(); $this->next(); $this->parseBlock(); $this->beginStatement = true; } else { $this->writeNext(); $this->beginStatement = false; } break; case T_CASE: case T_DEFAULT: case T_PUBLIC: case T_PRIVATE: case T_PROTECTED: case T_STATIC: case T_CONST: case T_GLOBAL: case T_ABSTRACT: $this->write($token[1]); $this->beginStatement = false; break; default: $this->writeStep($pLevel); $this->write($token[1]); $this->beginStatement = false; break; } } } while($this->each()); } /** * parse the given PHP script * @return the parsed PHP script * @access private */ public function parseScript() { do { $this->parseBlock(); } while($this->each()); return $this->output; } } } /** * @access private */ class pdb_Logger { const FATAL = 1; const INFO = 2; const VERBOSE = 3; const DEBUG = 4; private static $logLevel = 0; private static $logFileName; private static function println($msg, $level) { if (!self::$logLevel) self::$logLevel=PDB_DEBUG?self::DEBUG:self::INFO; if ($level <= self::$logLevel) { static $file = null; if(!isset(self::$logFileName)) { self::$logFileName = $_SERVER['HOME'].DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR."pdb_PHPDebugger.inc.log"; } if (!$file) $file = fopen(self::$logFileName, "ab") or die("fopen"); fwrite($file, time().": "); fwrite($file, $msg."\n"); fflush($file); } } public static function logFatal($msg) { self::println($msg, self::FATAL); } public static function logInfo($msg) { self::println($msg, self::INFO); } public static function logMessage($msg) { self::println($msg, self::VERBOSE); } public static function logDebug($msg) { self::println($msg, self::DEBUG); } public static function debug($msg) { self::logDebug($msg); } public static function log($msg) { self::logMessage($msg); } public static function setLogLevel($level) { self::$logLevel=$level; } public static function setLogFileName($name) { self::$logFileName = $name; } } /** * @access private */ class pdb_Environment { public $filename, $stepNext; public $vars, $line, $firstLine; public $parent; public function __construct($parent, $filename, $stepNext, $firstLine) { $this->parent = $parent; $this->filename = $filename; $this->stepNext = $stepNext; $this->firstLine = $firstLine; $this->line = -1; } public function update ($line, &$vars) { $this->line = $line; $this->vars = &$vars; } public function __toString() { return "pdb_Environment: {$this->filename}, {$this->firstLine} - {$this->line}"; } } /** * @access private */ abstract class pdb_Message { public $session; public abstract function getType(); public function __construct($session) { $this->session = $session; } public function serialize() { $this->session->out->writeShort($this->getType()); } private static $messages = array(); public static function register($message) { pdb_Message::$messages[$message->getType()] = $message; } public function getMessageById($id) { $message = pdb_Message::$messages[$id]; return $message; } public function getMessage() { $id = $this->session->in->readShort(); $message = $this->getMessageById($id); if (!$message) trigger_error("invalid message: $id", E_USER_ERROR); $message->deserialize(); return $message; } protected function handleContinueProcessFile($message) { $code = $this->session->parseCode($this->currentFrame->filename, file_get_contents($this->currentFrame->filename)); if (PDB_DEBUG) pdb_Logger::debug( "parse file:::" . $code ."\n"); if (!PDB_DEBUG) ob_start(); self::doEval ($code); $output = $this->getMessageById(pdb_OutputNotification::TYPE); if(!PDB_DEBUG) $output->setOutput(ob_get_contents()); if(!PDB_DEBUG) ob_end_clean(); $output->serialize(); $this->status = 42; //FIXME $this->getMessageById(pdb_DebugScriptEndedNotification::TYPE)->serialize(); return true; } private static function doEval($__pdb_Code) { return eval ("?>".$__pdb_Code); } protected function handleStep($message) { return false; } protected function handleGo($message) { foreach ($this->session->allFrames as $frame) { $frame->stepNext = false; } return true; // exit } public function handleRequests () { $this->ignoreInterrupt = false; $this->serialize(); while(1) { $message = $this->getMessage(); switch ($message->getType()) { case pdb_SetProtocolRequest::TYPE: $message->ack(); break; case pdb_StartRequest::TYPE: $message->ack(); $this->getMessageById(pdb_StartProcessFileNotification::TYPE)->serialize(); break; case pdb_ContinueProcessFileNotification::TYPE: if ($this->handleContinueProcessFile($message)) return pdb_ContinueProcessFileNotification::TYPE; break; case pdb_AddBreakpointRequest::TYPE: $message->ack(); break; case pdb_RemoveBreakpointRequest::TYPE: $message->ack(); break; case pdb_RemoveAllBreakpointsRequest::TYPE: $message->ack(); break; case pdb_GetCallStackRequest::TYPE: $message->ack(); break; case pdb_GetCWDRequest::TYPE: $message->ack(); break; case pdb_GetVariableValueRequest::TYPE: $message->ack(); break; case pdb_AddFilesRequest::TYPE: $message->ack(); break; case pdb_FileContentExtendedRequest::TYPE: $message->ack(); break; case pdb_MsgEvalRequest::TYPE: $message->ack(); break; case pdb_GoRequest::TYPE: $message->ack(); if ($this->handleGo($message)) return pdb_GoRequest::TYPE; break; case pdb_StepOverRequest::TYPE: $message->ack(); if ($this->handleStep($message)) return pdb_StepOverRequest::TYPE; break; case pdb_StepIntoRequest::TYPE: $message->ack(); if ($this->handleStep($message)) return pdb_StepIntoRequest::TYPE; break; case pdb_StepOutRequest::TYPE: $message->ack(); if ($this->handleStep($message)) return pdb_StepOutRequest::TYPE; break; case pdb_End::TYPE: $this->session->end(); default: trigger_error("protocol error: $message", E_USER_ERROR); } } } } /** * @access private */ abstract class pdb_MessageRequest extends pdb_Message { public abstract function ack(); } /** * @access private */ class pdb_Serializer { private $serial; private $depth; private function doSerialize ($o, $depth) { $serial = &$this->serial; switch(gettype($o)) { case 'object': $serial.="O:"; $serial.=strlen(get_class($o)); $serial.=":\""; $serial.=get_class($o); $serial.="\":"; $serial.=count((array)$o); if ($depth <= $this->depth) { $serial.=":{"; foreach((array)$o as $k=>$v) { $serial.=serialize($k); $this->doSerialize($v, $depth+1); } $serial.="}"; } else { $serial .= ";"; } break; case 'array': $serial.="a:"; $serial.=count($o); if ($depth <= $this->depth) { $serial.=":{"; foreach($o as $k=>$v) { $serial.=serialize($k); $this->doSerialize($v, $depth+1); } $serial.="}"; } else { $serial.=";"; } break; default: $serial.=serialize($o); break; } } public function serialize ($obj, $depth) { $this->serial = ""; $this->depth = $depth; $this->doSerialize ($obj, 1); return $this->serial; } } /** * @access private */ class pdb_DebugSessionStart extends pdb_Message { const TYPE = 2005; public $status; public $end; private $breakFirstLine; private $enable; public $uri; public $query; public $options; public $in, $out; private $outputNotification; public $lines; public $breakpoints; public $currentTopLevelFrame, $currentFrame; public $allFrames; // should be a weak map so that frames could be gc'ed public $ignoreInterrupt; public $serializer; public $includedScripts; public function getType() { return self::TYPE; } public function __construct($options) { parent::__construct($this); $this->end = true; if (isset($_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"]) && isset($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"])&&!extension_loaded("Zend Debugger")) { $filename = $uri = $_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"]; $queryStr = $_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]; } else { // PHPDebugger disabled global $pdb_script; $this->enable = false; if (isset($pdb_script) && $pdb_script!="@") { require_once($pdb_script); } return; } $params = explode('&', $queryStr); $args = array(); for ($i=0; $iend = false; $this->in =new pdb_In($io, $this); $this->out=new pdb_Out($io, $this); } public function end() { $this->end = true; if (PDB_DEBUG) pdb_Logger::debug( "end() called"); exit(0); } /** * @access private */ public function flushOutput() { if (!isset($this->outputNotification)) $this->outputNotification = $this->getMessageById(pdb_OutputNotification::TYPE); $this->outputNotification->setOutput(ob_get_contents()); if (!PDB_DEBUG) ob_clean(); $this->outputNotification->serialize(); } /** * @access private */ public function resolveIncludePath($scriptName) { if (file_exists($scriptName)) return realpath($scriptName); $paths = explode(PATH_SEPARATOR, get_include_path()); $name = $scriptName; foreach ($paths as $path) { $scriptName = realpath("${path}${name}"); if ($scriptName) return $scriptName; } trigger_error("file $scriptName not found", E_USER_ERROR); } public function serialize() { $out = $this->session->out; parent::serialize(); $out->writeInt(2004102501); $out->writeString($this->currentFrame->filename); $out->writeString($this->uri); $out->writeString($this->query); $out->writeString($this->options); $out->flush(); if (PDB_DEBUG) pdb_Logger::debug( "$this"); } public function handleRequests () { if ($this->enable) { set_error_handler("pdb_error_handler"); register_shutdown_function("pdb_shutdown"); parent::handleRequests(); if (PDB_DEBUG) pdb_Logger::debug( "exit({$this->status})"); exit ($this->status); } } public function hasBreakpoint($scriptName, $line) { if ($this->breakFirstLine) {$this->breakFirstLine = false; return true;} if ($this->currentFrame->stepNext) return true; foreach ($this->breakpoints as $breakpoint) { if($breakpoint->type==1) { if ($breakpoint->file==$scriptName&&$breakpoint->line==$line) return true; } } return false; } function parseCode($filename, $contents) { $parser = new pdb_Parser($filename, $contents); return $parser->parseScript(); } public function __toString() { return "pdb_DebugSessionStart: {$this->currentFrame->filename}"; } } /** * @access private */ class pdb_HeaderOutputNotification extends pdb_Message { const TYPE = 2008; private $out; public function setOutput($out) { $this->out = $out; } protected function getAsciiOutput() { return $this->out; } protected function getEncodedOutput () { return $this->out; //FIXME } protected function getOutput() { return $this->getAsciiOutput(); } public function getType() { return self::TYPE; } public function serialize() { $out = $this->session->out; parent::serialize(); $out->writeString($this->getOutput()); $out->flush(); if (PDB_DEBUG) pdb_Logger::debug( "$this"); } public function __toString () { return "pdb_HeaderOutputNotification: ".$this->getOutput(); } } /** * @access private */ class pdb_OutputNotification extends pdb_HeaderOutputNotification { const TYPE = 2004; public function getType() { return self::TYPE; } protected function getOutput() { return $this->getEncodedOutput(); } public function __toString () { return "pdb_OutputNotification: ".$this->getAsciiOutput(); } } /** * @access private */ class pdb_ErrorNotification extends pdb_Message { const TYPE = 2006; private $type, $filename, $lineno, $error; public function getType() { return self::TYPE; } public function setError($type, $filename, $lineno, $error) { $this->type = $type; $this->filename = $filename; $this->lineno = $lineno; $this->error = $error; } public function serialize() { $out = $this->session->out; parent::serialize(); $out->writeInt($this->type); $out->writeString($this->filename); $out->writeInt($this->lineno); $out->writeString($this->error); $out->flush(); if (PDB_DEBUG) pdb_Logger::debug( "$this"); } public function __toString () { return "pdb_ErrorNotification: {$this->error} at {$this->filename} line {$this->lineno}"; } } /** * @access private */ class pdb_DebugScriptEndedNotification extends pdb_Message { const TYPE = 2002; public function getType() { return self::TYPE; } public function serialize() { $out = $this->session->out; parent::serialize(); $out->writeShort($this->session->status); $out->flush(); if (PDB_DEBUG) pdb_Logger::debug( "$this"); } public function __toString () { return "pdb_DebugScriptEndedNotification: {$this->session->status}"; } } /** * @access private */ class pdb_ReadyNotification extends pdb_Message { const TYPE = 2003; public function getType() { return self::TYPE; } protected function handleStep($message) { return true; } public function serialize() { $out = $this->session->out; parent::serialize(); $out->writeString($this->session->currentFrame->filename); $out->writeInt($this->session->currentFrame->line); $out->writeInt(0); $out->flush(); if (PDB_DEBUG) pdb_Logger::debug( "$this"); } public function __toString () { return "pdb_ReadyNotification: {$this->session->currentFrame->filename}, {$this->session->currentFrame->line}"; } } /** * @access private */ class pdb_SetProtocolRequest extends pdb_MessageRequest { const TYPE = 10000; public $id; public $protocolId; public function getType() { return self::TYPE; } public function deserialize() { $in = $this->session->in; $this->id = $in->readInt(); $this->protocolId = $in->readInt(); if (PDB_DEBUG) pdb_Logger::debug( "$this"); } public function ack() { $res = new pdb_SetProtocolResponse($this); $res->serialize(); } public function __toString () { return "pdb_SetProtocolRequest: ". $this->protocolId; } } /** * @access private */ class pdb_SetProtocolResponse extends pdb_Message { const TYPE = 11000; private $req; public function __construct ($req) { parent::__construct($req->session); $this->req = $req; } public function getType() { return self::TYPE; } public function serialize() { $out = $this->session->out; parent::serialize(); $out->writeInt($this->req->id); // use fixed id instead of $out->writeInt($this->req->protocolId); $out->writeInt(2012121702); $out->flush(); if (PDB_DEBUG) pdb_Logger::debug( "$this"); } public function __toString () { return "pdb_SetProtocolResponse: "; } } /** * @access private */ class pdb_StartRequest extends pdb_MessageRequest { const TYPE = 1; public $id; public $protocolId; public function getType() { return self::TYPE; } public function deserialize() { $in = $this->session->in; $this->id = $in->readInt(); if (PDB_DEBUG) pdb_Logger::debug( "$this"); } public function ack() { $res = new pdb_StartResponse($this); $res->serialize(); } public function __toString () { return "pdb_StartRequest: "; } } /** * @access private */ class pdb_AddFilesRequest extends pdb_MessageRequest { const TYPE = 38; public $id; public $pathSize; public $paths; public function getType() { return self::TYPE; } public function deserialize() { $in = $this->session->in; $this->id = $in->readInt(); $this->pathSize = $in->readInt(); $this->paths = array(); for($i=0; $i<$this->pathSize; $i++) { $this->paths[] = $in->readString(); } if (PDB_DEBUG) pdb_Logger::debug( "$this"); } public function ack() { $res = new pdb_AddFilesResponse($this); $res->serialize(); } public function __toString () { return "pdb_AddFilesRequest: "; } } /** * @access private */ class pdb_FileContentExtendedRequest extends pdb_MessageRequest { const TYPE = 10002; public $id; public $size; public $checksum; public function getType() { return self::TYPE; } public function deserialize() { $in = $this->session->in; $this->id = $in->readInt(); $this->size = $in->readInt(); $this->checksum = $in->readInt(); if (PDB_DEBUG) pdb_Logger::debug( "$this"); } public function ack() { $res = new pdb_FileContentExtendedResponse($this); $res->serialize(); } public function __toString () { return "pdb_FileContentExtendedRequest: "; } } /** * @access private */ class pdb_AddFilesResponse extends pdb_Message { const TYPE = 1038; private $req; public function __construct ($req) { parent::__construct($req->session); $this->req = $req; } public function getType() { return self::TYPE; } public function serialize() { $out = $this->session->out; parent::serialize(); $out->writeInt($this->req->id); $out->writeInt(0); $out->flush(); if (PDB_DEBUG) pdb_Logger::debug( "$this"); } public function __toString () { return "pdb_AddFilesResponse: "; } } /** * @access private */ class pdb_FileContentExtendedResponse extends pdb_Message { const TYPE = 11001; private $req; public function __construct ($req) { parent::__construct($req->session); $this->req = $req; } public function getType() { return self::TYPE; } public function serialize() { $out = $this->session->out; parent::serialize(); $out->writeInt($this->req->id); $out->writeInt(0); // fixme: status $out->writeInt(0); // fixme: string: filecontent $out->flush(); if (PDB_DEBUG) pdb_Logger::debug( "$this"); } public function __toString () { return "pdb_FileContentExtendedResponse: "; } } /** * @access private */ class pdb_StartResponse extends pdb_Message { const TYPE = 1001; private $req; public function __construct ($req) { parent::__construct($req->session); $this->req = $req; } public function getType() { return self::TYPE; } public function serialize() { $out = $this->session->out; parent::serialize(); $out->writeInt($this->req->id); $out->writeInt(0); $out->flush(); if (PDB_DEBUG) pdb_Logger::debug( "$this"); } public function __toString () { return "pdb_StartResponse: "; } } /** * @access private */ class pdb_StartProcessFileNotification extends pdb_Message { const TYPE = 2009; public function __construct ($session) { parent::__construct($session); } protected function handleContinueProcessFile($message) { return true; // next } public function getType() { return self::TYPE; } public function serialize() { $out = $this->session->out; parent::serialize(); $out->writeString($this->session->currentFrame->filename); $out->flush(); if (PDB_DEBUG) pdb_Logger::debug( "$this"); } public function __toString () { return "pdb_StartProcessFileNotification: {$this->session->currentFrame->filename}"; } } /** * @access private */ class pdb_ContinueProcessFileNotification extends pdb_Message { const TYPE = 2010; public function getType() { return self::TYPE; } public function deserialize() { if (PDB_DEBUG) pdb_Logger::debug( "$this"); } public function __toString () { return "pdb_ContinueProcessFileNotification: "; } } /** * @access private */ class pdb_Breakpoint { public $type, $lifeTime, $file, $line, $condition; private $id; public function __construct($type, $lifeTime, $file, $line, $condition, $id) { $this->type = $type; $this->lifeTime = $lifeTime; $this->file = $file; $this->line = $line; $this->condition = $condition; $this->id = $id; } public function __toString () { return "pdb_Breakpoint: "; } } /** * @access private */ class pdb_AddBreakpointResponse extends pdb_Message { const TYPE = 1021; private $req; private $id; private static function getId() { static $id = 0; return ++$id; } public function __construct($req) { parent::__construct($req->session); $this->req = $req; $this->id = self::getId(); $this->session->breakpoints[$this->id] = new pdb_Breakpoint($req->type, $req->lifeTime, $req->file, $req->line, $req->condition, $this->id); } public function getType() { return self::TYPE; } public function serialize() { $out = $this->session->out; parent::serialize(); $out->writeInt($this->req->id); $out->writeInt(0); $out->writeInt($this->id); $out->flush(); if (PDB_DEBUG) pdb_Logger::debug( "$this"); } public function __toString () { return "pdb_AddBreakpointResponse: {$this->id}"; } } /** * @access private */ class pdb_RemoveBreakpointResponse extends pdb_Message { const TYPE = 1022; private $req; private $id; private $failure; public function __construct($req) { parent::__construct($req->session); $this->req = $req; $this->remove(); } protected function remove() { if (isset($this->session->breakpoints[$this->req->bpId])) { unset($this->session->breakpoints[$this->req->bpId]); $this->failure = 0; } else { $this->failure = -1; } } public function getType() { return self::TYPE; } public function serialize() { $out = $this->session->out; parent::serialize(); $out->writeInt($this->req->id); $out->writeInt($this->failure); $out->flush(); if (PDB_DEBUG) pdb_Logger::debug( "$this"); } public function __toString () { return "pdb_RemoveBreakpointResponse: {$this->id}"; } } /** * @access private */ class pdb_RemoveAllBreakpointsResponse extends pdb_RemoveBreakpointResponse { const TYPE = 1023; public function __construct($req) { parent::__construct($req); } protected function remove() { $keys = array_keys($this->session->breakpoints); foreach($keys as $key) unset($this->session->breakpoints[$key]); $this->failure = 0; } public function getType() { return self::TYPE; } public function __toString () { return "pdb_RemoveAllBreakpoinstResponse: {$this->id}"; } } /** * @access private */ class pdb_AddBreakpointRequest extends pdb_MessageRequest { const TYPE = 21; public $id; public $type; public $lifeTime; public $file; public $line; public $condition; public function getType() { return self::TYPE; } public function deserialize() { $in = $this->session->in; $this->id = $in->readInt(); $this->type = $in->readShort(); $this->lifeType = $in->readShort(); switch($this->type) { case 1: $this->file = $in->readString(); $this->line = $in->readInt(); break; case 2: $this->condition = $in->readString(); break; default: trigger_error("invalid breakpoint", E_USER_ERROR); } if (PDB_DEBUG) pdb_Logger::debug( "$this"); } public function ack() { $res = new pdb_AddBreakpointResponse ($this); $res->serialize(); } public function __toString () { if ($this->type == 1) return "pdb_AddBreakpointRequest: {$this->file}, {$this->line}"; else return "pdb_AddBreakpointRequest: {$this->condition}"; } } /** * @access private */ class pdb_RemoveAllBreakpointsRequest extends pdb_MessageRequest { const TYPE = 23; public $id; public function getType() { return self::TYPE; } public function deserialize() { $in = $this->session->in; $this->id = $in->readInt(); if (PDB_DEBUG) pdb_Logger::debug( "$this"); } public function ack() { $res = new pdb_RemoveAllBreakpointsResponse ($this); $res->serialize(); } public function __toString () { return "pdb_RemoveAllBreakpointsRequest "; } } /** * @access private */ class pdb_RemoveBreakpointRequest extends pdb_RemoveAllBreakpointsRequest { const TYPE = 22; public $bpId; public function getType() { return self::TYPE; } public function deserialize() { parent::deserialize(); $in = $this->session->in; $this->bpId = $in->readInt(); if (PDB_DEBUG) pdb_Logger::debug( "$this"); } public function ack() { $res = new pdb_RemoveBreakpointResponse ($this); $res->serialize(); } public function __toString () { return "pdb_RemoveBreakpointRequest: {$this->bpId}"; } } /** * @access private */ class pdb_GetCallStackResponse extends pdb_Message { const TYPE = 1034; private $req; public function __construct($req) { parent::__construct($req->session); $this->req = $req; } public function getType() { return self::TYPE; } public function serialize() { $out = $this->session->out; parent::serialize(); $out->writeInt($this->req->id); for($frame=$this->session->currentFrame; $frame; $frame=$frame->parent) $environments[] = $frame; $environments = array_reverse($environments); $n = count($environments); $out->writeInt($n); for ($i=0; $i<$n; $i++) { $env = $environments[$i]; $out->writeString($env->filename); $out->writeInt($env->line); $out->writeInt(0); $out->writeString($env->filename); $out->writeInt($env->firstLine); $out->writeInt(0); $out->writeInt(0); //fixme: params } $out->flush(); if (PDB_DEBUG) pdb_Logger::debug( "$this"); } public function __toString () { return "pdb_GetCallStackResponse: "; } } /** * @access private */ class pdb_GetCallStackRequest extends pdb_MessageRequest { const TYPE = 34; public $id; public function getType() { return self::TYPE; } public function deserialize() { $in = $this->session->in; $this->id = $in->readInt(); if (PDB_DEBUG) pdb_Logger::debug( "$this"); } public function ack() { $res = new pdb_GetCallStackResponse ($this); $res->serialize(); } public function __toString () { return "pdb_GetCallStackRequest: "; } } /** * @access private */ class pdb_GetCWDResponse extends pdb_Message { const TYPE = 1036; private $req; public function __construct ($req) { parent::__construct($req->session); $this->req = $req; } public function getType() { return self::TYPE; } public function serialize() { $out = $this->session->out; parent::serialize(); $out->writeInt($this->req->id); $out->writeInt(0); $out->writeString(getcwd()); $out->flush(); if (PDB_DEBUG) pdb_Logger::debug( "$this"); } public function __toString () { return "pdb_GetCWDResponse: "; } } /** * @access private */ class pdb_GetCWDRequest extends pdb_MessageRequest { const TYPE = 36; public $id; public function getType() { return self::TYPE; } public function deserialize() { $in = $this->session->in; $this->id = $in->readInt(); if (PDB_DEBUG) pdb_Logger::debug( "$this"); } public function ack() { $res = new pdb_GetCWDResponse($this); $res->serialize(); } public function __toString () { return "pdb_GetCWDRequest: "; } } /** * @access private */ class pdb_MsgEvalResponse extends pdb_Message { const TYPE = 1031; private $req; public function __construct ($req) { parent::__construct($req->session); $this->req = $req; } public function getType() { return self::TYPE; } public function serialize() { $out = $this->session->out; parent::serialize(); $out->writeInt($this->req->id); if (PDB_DEBUG) pdb_Logger::debug( "evalcode:::".$this->req->code."\n"); $error = 0; $code = $this->req->code; $res = eval("return $code ?>"); $out->writeInt($error); $out->writeString($res); if (PDB_DEBUG) pdb_Logger::debug("pdb_MsgEvalResponse: ".print_r($res, true)); $out->flush(); } public function __toString () { return "pdb_MsgEvalResponse: "; } } /** * @access private */ class pdb_GetVariableValueResponse extends pdb_Message { const TYPE = 1032; private $req; public function __construct ($req) { parent::__construct($req->session); $this->req = $req; } public function getType() { return self::TYPE; } public function serialize() { $out = $this->session->out; parent::serialize(); $out->writeInt($this->req->id); if (PDB_DEBUG) pdb_Logger::debug( "evalcode:::".$this->req->code."\n"); $error = 0; if ($this->req->code[0]=='$') { $this->session->end = true; $key = substr($this->req->code, 1); if (isset($this->session->currentFrame->vars[$key])) { $var = $this->session->currentFrame->vars[$key]; $paths = $this->req->paths; foreach ($paths as $path) { if (is_object($var)) { $var = $var->$path; } else { $var = $var[$path]; } } } else { $var = "${key} not found!"; $error = -1; } $ser = $this->session->serializer->serialize($var, $this->req->depth); $this->session->end = false; $out->writeInt($error); $out->writeString($ser); if (PDB_DEBUG) pdb_Logger::debug("pdb_GetVariableValueResponse: ".print_r($var, true).": ${ser}, error: ${error}"); } else { if (PDB_DEBUG) pdb_Logger::debug(print_r($this->session->currentFrame->vars, true)); $this->session->end = true; $vars = $this->session->currentFrame->vars; $ser = $this->session->serializer->serialize($vars, $this->req->depth); $this->session->end = false; $out->writeInt($error); $out->writeString($ser); if (PDB_DEBUG) pdb_Logger::debug("pdb_GetVariableValueResponse: ".print_r($vars, true).": ${ser}, error: ${error}"); } $out->flush(); } public function __toString () { return "pdb_GetVariableValueResponse: "; } } /** * @access private */ class pdb_MsgEvalRequest extends pdb_MessageRequest { const TYPE = 31; public $id; public $code; public function getType() { return self::TYPE; } public function deserialize() { $in = $this->session->in; $this->id = $in->readInt(); $this->code = $in->readString(); if (PDB_DEBUG) pdb_Logger::debug( "$this"); } public function ack() { $res = new pdb_MsgEvalResponse($this); $res->serialize(); } public function __toString () { return "pdb_MsgEvalRequest: {$this->code}"; } } /** * @access private */ class pdb_GetVariableValueRequest extends pdb_MessageRequest { const TYPE = 32; public $id; public $code; public $depth; public $paths; public function getType() { return self::TYPE; } public function deserialize() { $in = $this->session->in; $this->id = $in->readInt(); $this->code = $in->readString(); $this->depth = $in->readInt(); $this->paths = array(); $length = $in->readInt(); while($length--) { $this->paths[] = $in->readString(); } if (PDB_DEBUG) pdb_Logger::debug( "$this"); } public function ack() { $res = new pdb_GetVariableValueResponse($this); $res->serialize(); } public function __toString () { return "pdb_GetVariableValueRequest: {$this->code}, {$this->depth}, paths::".print_r($this->paths, true); } } /** * @access private */ class pdb_StepOverResponse extends pdb_Message { const TYPE = 1012; private $req; public function __construct($req) { parent::__construct($req->session); $this->req = $req; } public function getType() { return self::TYPE; } public function serialize() { $out = $this->req->session->out; parent::serialize(); $out->writeInt($this->req->id); $out->writeInt(0); $out->flush(); if (PDB_DEBUG) pdb_Logger::debug( "$this"); } public function __toString () { return "pdb_StepOverResponse: "; } } /** * @access private */ class pdb_StepOverRequest extends pdb_MessageRequest { const TYPE = 12; public $id; public function getType() { return self::TYPE; } public function deserialize() { $in = $this->session->in; $this->id = $in->readInt(); if (PDB_DEBUG) pdb_Logger::debug( "$this"); } public function ack() { $res = new pdb_StepOverResponse($this); $res->serialize(); } public function __toString () { return "pdb_StepOverRequest: "; } } /** * @access private */ class pdb_StepIntoResponse extends pdb_StepOverResponse { const TYPE = 1011; public function getType() { return self::TYPE; } public function __toString () { return "pdb_StepIntoResponse: "; } } /** * @access private */ class pdb_StepIntoRequest extends pdb_StepOverRequest { const TYPE = 11; public function getType() { return self::TYPE; } public function ack() { $res = new pdb_StepIntoResponse($this); $res->serialize(); } public function __toString () { return "pdb_StepIntoRequest: "; } } /** * @access private */ class pdb_StepOutResponse extends pdb_StepOverResponse { const TYPE = 1013; public function getType() { return self::TYPE; } public function __toString () { return "pdb_StepOutResponse: "; } } /** * @access private */ class pdb_StepOutRequest extends pdb_StepOverRequest { const TYPE = 13; public function getType() { return self::TYPE; } public function ack() { $res = new pdb_StepOutResponse($this); $res->serialize(); } public function __toString () { return "pdb_OutIntoRequest: "; } } /** * @access private */ class pdb_GoResponse extends pdb_Message { const TYPE = 1014; private $req; public function __construct ($req) { parent::__construct($req->session); $this->req = $req; } public function getType() { return self::TYPE; } public function serialize() { $out = $this->session->out; parent::serialize(); $out->writeInt($this->req->id); $out->writeInt(0); $out->flush(); if (PDB_DEBUG) pdb_Logger::debug( "$this"); } public function __toString () { return "pdb_GoResponse: "; } } /** * @access private */ class pdb_GoRequest extends pdb_MessageRequest { const TYPE = 14; public $id; public function getType() { return self::TYPE; } public function deserialize() { $in = $this->session->in; $this->id = $in->readInt(); if (PDB_DEBUG) pdb_Logger::debug( "$this"); } public function ack() { $res = new pdb_GoResponse($this); $res->serialize(); } public function __toString () { return "pdb_GoRequest: "; } } /** * @access private */ class pdb_End extends pdb_Message { const TYPE = 3; public $id; public function getType() { return self::TYPE; } public function deserialize() { if (PDB_DEBUG) pdb_Logger::debug( "$this"); } public function __toString () { return "pdb_End: "; } } /** * @access private */ class pdb_In { private $in; private $len; private $session; public function __construct($in, $session) { $this->in = $in; $this->len = 0; $this->session = $session; } private function readBytes($n) { $str = ""; while ($n) { $s = fread($this->in, $n); if (feof($this->in)) $this->session->end(); $n -= strlen($s); $str.=$s; } return $str; } public function read() { if(!$this->len) { $str = $this->readBytes(4); $lenDesc = unpack("N", $str); $this->len = array_pop($lenDesc); } } public function readShort() { $this->read(); $this->len-=2; $str = $this->readBytes(2); $lenDesc = unpack("n", $str); return array_pop($lenDesc); } public function readInt() { $this->read(); $this->len-=4; $str = $this->readBytes(4); $lenDesc = unpack("N", $str); return array_pop($lenDesc); } public function readString() { $this->read(); $length = $this->readInt(); $this->len-=$length; return $this->readBytes($length); } public function __toString () { return "pdb_In: "; } } /** * @access private */ class pdb_Out { private $out; private $buf; private $session; public function __construct($out, $session) { $this->out = $out; $this->buf = ""; $this->session = $session; } public function writeShort($val) { $this->buf.=pack("n", $val); } public function writeInt($val) { $this->buf.=pack("N", $val); } public function writeString($str) { $length = strlen($str); $this->writeInt($length); $this->buf.=$str; } public function writeUTFString($str) { $this->writeString(urlencode($str)); } public function flush() { $length = strlen($this->buf); $this->buf = pack("N", $length).$this->buf; fwrite($this->out, $this->buf); if (feof($this->out)) $this->session->end(); $this->buf = ""; } public function __toString () { return "pdb_Out: "; } } $pdb_dbg = new pdb_DebugSessionStart("&debug_fastfile=1"); pdb_Message::register(new pdb_SetProtocolRequest($pdb_dbg)); pdb_Message::register(new pdb_StartRequest($pdb_dbg)); pdb_Message::register(new pdb_AddFilesRequest($pdb_dbg)); pdb_Message::register(new pdb_FileContentExtendedRequest($pdb_dbg)); pdb_Message::register(new pdb_ContinueProcessFileNotification($pdb_dbg)); pdb_Message::register(new pdb_AddBreakpointRequest($pdb_dbg)); pdb_Message::register(new pdb_RemoveBreakpointRequest($pdb_dbg)); pdb_Message::register(new pdb_RemoveAllBreakpointsRequest($pdb_dbg)); pdb_Message::register(new pdb_GetCallStackRequest($pdb_dbg)); pdb_Message::register(new pdb_GetCWDRequest($pdb_dbg)); pdb_Message::register(new pdb_GetVariableValueRequest($pdb_dbg)); pdb_Message::register(new pdb_MsgEvalRequest($pdb_dbg)); pdb_Message::register(new pdb_StepOverRequest($pdb_dbg)); pdb_Message::register(new pdb_StepIntoRequest($pdb_dbg)); pdb_Message::register(new pdb_StepOutRequest($pdb_dbg)); pdb_Message::register(new pdb_GoRequest($pdb_dbg)); pdb_Message::register(new pdb_End($pdb_dbg)); pdb_Message::register(new pdb_StartProcessFileNotification($pdb_dbg)); pdb_Message::register(new pdb_ReadyNotification($pdb_dbg)); pdb_Message::register(new pdb_DebugScriptEndedNotification($pdb_dbg)); pdb_Message::register(new pdb_HeaderOutputNotification($pdb_dbg)); pdb_Message::register(new pdb_OutputNotification($pdb_dbg)); pdb_Message::register(new pdb_ErrorNotification($pdb_dbg)); /** * @access private */ function pdb_getDefinedVars($vars1, $vars2) { //if(isset($vars2)) $vars1['pbd_This'] = $vars2; unset($vars1['__pdb_Code']); // see pdb_Message::doEval() return $vars1; } /** * @access private */ function pdb_startCall($scriptName, $line) { global $pdb_dbg; $stepNext = $pdb_dbg->currentFrame->stepNext == pdb_StepIntoRequest::TYPE ? pdb_StepIntoRequest::TYPE : false; pdb_Logger::debug("startCall::$scriptName, $stepNext"); $env = new pdb_Environment($pdb_dbg->currentFrame, $scriptName, $stepNext, $line); $pdb_dbg->allFrames[] = $env; return $env; } /** * @access private */ function pdb_startInclude($scriptName, $once) { global $pdb_dbg; $scriptName = $pdb_dbg->resolveIncludePath($scriptName); // include only from a top-level environment // initial line# and vars may be wrong due to a side-effect in step $pdb_dbg->session->currentFrame = $pdb_dbg->session->currentTopLevelFrame; $stepNext = $pdb_dbg->currentFrame->stepNext == pdb_StepIntoRequest::TYPE ? pdb_StepIntoRequest::TYPE : false; $pdb_dbg->currentFrame = new pdb_Environment($pdb_dbg->currentFrame, $scriptName, $stepNext, 1); $pdb_dbg->allFrames[] = $pdb_dbg->currentFrame; /* BEGIN: StartProcessFileNotification */ $pdb_dbg->getMessageById(pdb_StartProcessFileNotification::TYPE)->handleRequests(); /* ... set breakpoints ... */ /* END: ContinueProcessFileNotification */ if ($once && isset($pdb_dbg->includedScripts[$scriptName])) $code = ""; else $code = $pdb_dbg->parseCode(realpath($scriptName), file_get_contents($scriptName)); $pdb_dbg->currentTopLevelFrame = $pdb_dbg->currentFrame; if (PDB_DEBUG) pdb_Logger::debug("include:::$code"); if ($once) $pdb_dbg->includedScripts[$scriptName] = true; return $code; // eval -> pdb_step/MSG_READY or pdb_endInclude/MSG_READY OR FINISH } /** * @access private */ function pdb_endInclude() { global $pdb_dbg; $pdb_dbg->currentFrame = $pdb_dbg->currentTopLevelFrame = $pdb_dbg->currentTopLevelFrame->parent; } /** * @access private */ function pdb_step($filename, $line, $vars) { global $pdb_dbg; if ($pdb_dbg->ignoreInterrupt) return; $pdb_dbg->ignoreInterrupt = true; // pull the current frame from the stack or the top-level environment $pdb_dbg->currentFrame = (isset($vars['__pdb_CurrentFrame'])) ? $vars['__pdb_CurrentFrame'] : $pdb_dbg->currentTopLevelFrame; unset($vars['__pdb_CurrentFrame']); $pdb_dbg->currentFrame->update($line, $vars); if ($pdb_dbg->hasBreakpoint($filename, $line)) { $pdb_dbg->flushOutput(); $stepNext = $pdb_dbg->getMessageById(pdb_ReadyNotification::TYPE)->handleRequests(); pdb_Logger::logDebug("continue"); /* clear all dynamic breakpoints */ foreach ($pdb_dbg->allFrames as $currentFrame) $currentFrame->stepNext = false; /* set new dynamic breakpoint */ if ($stepNext != pdb_GoRequest::TYPE) { $currentFrame = $pdb_dbg->currentFrame; /* break in current frame or frame below */ if ($stepNext != pdb_StepOutRequest::TYPE) $currentFrame->stepNext = $stepNext; /* or break in any parent */ while ($currentFrame = $currentFrame->parent) { $currentFrame->stepNext = $stepNext; } } } $pdb_dbg->ignoreInterrupt = false; } /** * @access private */ function pdb_error_handler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) { global $pdb_dbg; if (PDB_DEBUG) pdb_Logger::debug("PHP error $errno: $errstr in $errfile line $errline"); if ($pdb_dbg->end) return false; $msg = $pdb_dbg->getMessageById(pdb_ErrorNotification::TYPE); $msg->setError($errno, $errfile, $errline, $errstr); $msg->serialize(); return true; } /** * @access private */ function pdb_shutdown() { global $pdb_dbg; if (PDB_DEBUG) pdb_Logger::debug("PHP error: ".print_r(error_get_last(), true)); if ($pdb_dbg->end) return; $error = error_get_last(); if ($error) { $msg = $pdb_dbg->getMessageById(pdb_ErrorNotification::TYPE); $msg->setError($error['type'], $error['file'], $error['line'], $error['message']); $msg->serialize(); } } function pdb_getDebugHeader($name,$array) { if (array_key_exists($name,$array)) return $array[$name]; $name="HTTP_$name"; if (array_key_exists($name,$array)) return $array[$name]; return null; } if (!isset($java_include_only) && isset($pdb_script) && $pdb_script!="@") { // not called from JavaProxy.php and pdb_script is set chdir (dirname ($pdb_script)); $pdb_dbg->handleRequests(); } ?>