Sl.No. | Title | Short Title | Frequency | Start Year | Start Vol. | ISSN | Note |
1 | Aawishkar | Aawishkar (IN) | 12 | 1995 | 0 | 0970-6607 | 1995+ |
2 | Abstract Bulgarian Scientific Literature | Abst Bul Sci Lit (Bulg) | 3 | 1978 | 0 | 1978-1991: Ceased | |
3 | Abstract Bulletin | Abst Bull | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1949+ | |
4 | Abstract Cards Weekly | Abst Card Week (UK) | 52 | 1968 | 0 | 1968-78: Ceased, Contd as Steel Industry Monitor | |
5 | Abstract Journal of Metallurgy | Abst J Metall | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1957+ | |
6 | Acta Crystallograhica A | Acta Crystallogr A (Den) | 6 | 1958 | 0 | 0108-7673 | 1958-84 : Discontd |
7 | Acta Crystallograhica B | Acta Crystallogr B (Den) | 6 | 1958 | 0 | 0108-7673 | 1958-84 : Discontd |
8 | Acta Materialia | Acta Mater (UK) | 12 | 1996 | 0 | 1359-6454 | 1996+: Contd from Acta Metallurgical et Materialia |
9 | Acta Metallurgica | Acta Metall (UK) | 12 | 1953 | 0 | 0001-6160 | 1953-89: Contd from Acta Metallurgica et Materialia |
10 | Acta Metallurgiea et Materialia | Acta Metall Mater (UK) | 12 | 1990 | 0 | 1359-6454 | 1990-95: Contd from Acta Metallurgical contd as Acta Materialia |
11 | Advance Composite Newsletter | Adv Compos Lett (IN) | 3 | 1993 | 0 | 0963-6935 | 1993+ |
12 | Advanced Materials and Processes | Adv Mater Process (USA) | 12 | 1986 | 0 | 0026-0665 | 1986+: Ammalgamating Metal Progress |
13 | Advancement of Science | Adv Sci (UK) | 3 | 1949 | 0 | 1949-70/1952-53: Ceased | |
14 | Advances in Physics | Adv Phys (UK) | 6 | 1952 | 0 | 0001-8732 | 1952-76: Discontd |
15 | Advances in Special Electrometallurgy | Adv Sp Electrometall (UK) | 3 | 1985 | 0 | 1985-90/1997-2000: Discontd | |
16 | AEI Engineering | AEI Eng | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1965- | |
17 | AIChe Symposium Series | AIChE Symp Series (USA) | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1980 | |
18 | AID Res. Abstracts | AID Res Abst (USA) | 2 | 1973 | 0 | 1973-1986/1984,1985: Discontd | |
19 | Aircraft Engineering | Aircraft Eng (UK) | 12 | 1961 | 0 | 0002-2667 | 1961-67: Discontd |
20 | Aircraft Production | Aircraft Prod | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1961+ | |
21 | AISE Steel technology | AISE Steel Tech (USA) | 12 | 1999 | 0 | 1999+, v.76(11)+: Contd from Iron and steel engineers | |
22 | Alloy Digest | Alloy Dig (USA) | 12 | 1958 | 0 | 1958-90: Discontd | |
23 | Alloy Index | Alloy Ind (UK) | 12 | 1974 | 0 | 1974+: Switch over on disc see Metadex | |
24 | Alucast Journal | Alucast (IN) | 6 | 2001 | 0 | 2001+ | |
25 | Aluminium | Aluminium | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1965+ | |
26 | Aluminium (German) | Aluminium Ger (Ger) | 12 | 1974 | 0 | 1974-90/1982-84/1981,1985: Discontd | |
27 | Aluminium Abstract | Aluminium Abst (USA) | 24 | 1966 | 0 | 1966-70 (1970): Contd as World Aluminium Abst | |
28 | Aluminium India | Aluminium Ind (IN) | 3 | 1983 | 0 | 1983+ | |
29 | Aluminium Supplement in English | Aluminium Suppl Eng (Ger) | 12 | 1971 | 0 | 1971-1985 (1985): Ceased | |
30 | Amercian Institution of Mining and Metallurgical & Petroleum Engineers | Am Inst Min Metall Petrol Engr (USA) | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1956+ | |
31 | American Institute of Chemical Engineers | AIChE J (USA) | 12 | 1958 | 0 | 0001-1541 | 1958-99:Discontd |
32 | American Mineralogist | Am Miner (USA) | 6 | 1953 | 0 | 0003-004X | 1953-90: Discontd |
33 | American Paint Journal | Am Paint J (USA) | 52 | 1968 | 0 | 1968-74(1974): Discontd | |
34 | American Railway Engineering Association Bulletin | Am Railway Eng Bull | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1962+ | |
35 | Analyst | Analyst (UK) | 12 | 1922 | 0 | 0003-2654 | 1922+/1937-48/ |
36 | Analytical Abstracts | Anal Abst (UK) | 12 | 1954 | 0 | 0003-2689 | 1954+ |
37 | Analytical Chemistry | Anal Chem (USA) | 24 | 1956 | 0 | 0003-2700 | 1956+ |
38 | Analytical Proceedings | Anal Proc (UK) | 12 | 1974 | 0 | 1974-84: Discontd | |
39 | Annals of High Institute for Mining and Geology | Ann H Inst Min Geol (Bulg) | 3 | 1966 | 0 | 1966-74: Discontd | |
40 | Annals of Library Science and Documentation | Ann Lib Sci Doc (IN) | 3 | 1964 | 0 | 0003-4835 | 1964+ |
41 | Annual Statistics of British Steel Corporation | Ann Stat Br Steel (UK) | 1 | 1971 | 0 | 1971-78: Discontd | |
42 | Anti Corrosion Methods and Materials | Anti-Corros Method M (UK) | 12 | 1966 | 0 | 0003-5599 | 1966+ |
43 | Applications of Surface Science | App Surface Sci (Nether) | 12 | 1979 | 0 | 0169-4332 | 1979-85 (1985): Contd as Applied Surface Science |
44 | Applied Composite Materials | Appl Compos Mater (Nether) | 6 | 1997 | 0 | 0929-189X | 1997+ |
45 | Applied Surface Science | Appl Surface Sci (Nether) | 6 | 1985 | 0 | 0169-4332 | 1985-89(1985):Contd from Application of surface science: Discontd |
46 | Archive fur das Eisenhuttenwesen | Arch fur Eisen (Ger) | 12 | 1927 | 0 | 1927-84/1945-47: Contd as Steel Research | |
47 | ASEA Journal | ASEA J (Sweden) | 6 | 1973 | 0 | 1973-87: Ceased | |
48 | Asiatic Press Clipping Service: Minerals and Ores | Asia Press CS Miner (IN) | 52 | 1974 | 0 | 1974-81(1981):Discontd | |
49 | ASM News | ASM News (USA) | 12 | 1986 | 0 | 0044-7897 | 1986-1993: incorporated in Advanced Materials & Processes |
50 | ASM Review of Metal Literature | ASM Rev Met L (USA) | 12 | 1944 | 0 | 1944-67: Ceased | |
51 | ASM Transaction Quarterly | ASM Trans Qrt | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
52 | ASTM Book of Standards | ASTM Stand (USA) | 1 | 1946 | 0 | 1946+/1947-1948 | |
53 | ASTM Bulletin | ASTM Bull (USA) | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1948+ | |
54 | ASTM Proceedings | ASTM Proc (USA) | 1 | 1963 | 0 | 1963-87: Discontd | |
55 | ASTM Standardisation News | ASTM Stand News (USA) | 12 | 1973 | 0 | 1973-76: Discontd, contd from Materials Research & Standards | |
56 | Atom | Atom (UK) | 52 | 1960 | 0 | 1960-1991: Discontd | |
57 | Atomic Absorption and flame Emission Specification Absts. | Atom Abs Flame Emi (UK) | 6 | 1974 | 0 | 1974-84: Discontd | |
58 | AusIMM Bulletin | AusIMM Bull (Aust) | 7 | 1990 | 0 | 1034-6775 | 1990-1995: Discontd, Contd from AusIMM Bull. & Proc. |
59 | AusIMM Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Proceedings | AusIMM Inst Proc (Aust) | 8 | 1984 | 0 | 1984-89: Contd from Proc. of AusIMM, split into AusIMM Bull., AusIMM Proc. | |
60 | AusIMM Proceedings | AusIMM Proc (Aust) | 2 | 1990 | 0 | 1034-6783 | 1990-1994: Discontd, Contd from AusIMM Bull. & Proc. |
61 | Australasian Corrosion Engineering | Austral Corros Eng (Aust) | 12 | 1972 | 0 | 1972-76: Discontd | |
62 | Australasian Journal of Physics | Austral J Phys (Aust) | 6 | 1953 | 0 | 0004-9506 | 1953-92: Discontd |
63 | Australasian Mineral Industry | Austral Min Ind (Aust) | 3 | 1958 | 0 | 1958-88: Ammalgamated with Quarry Min. Statistics | |
64 | Australian Journal of Applied Science | Austral J Appl Sci (Aust) | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1961+ | |
65 | Australsian Engineers | Austral Engr (Aust) | 12 | 1954 | 0 | 1954-72: Ceased | |
66 | Automatic welding | Autom Weld (UK) | 12 | 1962 | 0 | 1962-83: Discontd | |
67 | Automation Progress | Autom Prog | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1960+ | |
68 | Battel Res Outlook | Bat Res Outl (Columbus) | 3 | 1969 | 0 | 1969-72: Contd as Battle Today | |
69 | Battle Today | Bat Today (Columbus) | 3 | 1976 | 0 | 1976-86: Discontd, Contd from Battle res outlook | |
70 | BBS | BBS | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1909+ | |
71 | BCIRA Abstracts of International Literature on Metal Casting Production | BCIRA Abst Int Met Cast P (UK) | 6 | 1986 | 0 | 1986-1995: Discontd, Contd from BCIRA Abst on Foundary Lit., Contd as Casting Literature Review | |
72 | BCIRA Abstracts on Foundry Literature | BCIRA Abst Found Lit (UK) | 6 | 1969 | 0 | 1969-85, Contd as BCIRA Absts of Intl on MEtal Casting Prod | |
73 | BCIRA Journal | BCIRA J (UK) | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1961+ | |
74 | BCURA Monthly Bulletin | BCURA M Bull (UK) | 3 | 1968 | 0 | 1968-70: Ceased | |
75 | BCURA Quarterly Gazette | BCURA Q Gaz (UK) | 12 | 1952 | 0 | 1952-70: Discontd | |
76 | Bell Laboratories Record | Bell Labs | 12 | 1961 | 0 | 1961-68: Discontd | |
77 | Berichte der DKG | Berichte der DKG (West Ger) | 12 | 1954 | 0 | 1954-80: Contd as Ceramic Forum Intl. | |
78 | Better Photography | Bet Photography (IN) | 12 | 1998 | 0 | 1998+ | |
79 | BHP Journal | BHP J (Aust) | 3 | 1970 | 0 | 1970-81: Discontd, Contd from BHP Review | |
80 | BHP Review | BHP Rev (Aust) | 12 | 1963 | 0 | 1963-68, Contd as BHP Journal | |
81 | BHP Technical Bulletin | BHP Tech Bull (Aust) | 1 | 1963 | 0 | 1963-83: Discontd | |
82 | Biblio and Index of Geology | Biblio Ind Geol (USA) | 12 | 1960 | 0 | 1960-71: Discontd | |
83 | Bibliografia (Romanian) | Biblio Rom (Rom) | 24 | 1978 | 0 | 1978-84: Discontd | |
84 | Bibliography of High temp of Chem of Phy on Materials | Biblio HT Chem Phy Mater (UK) | 3 | 1967 | 0 | 1967-83: Discontd | |
85 | Blast Furnace and Steel Plant | Blast Furn Steel P | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
86 | BNF Abstracts | BNF Abst | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1973 | |
87 | BRI CHEM ABST. | BRI CHEM ABST. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1929+ | |
88 | Brick and Clay Record | Brick Clay R (UK) | 12 | 1949 | 0 | 1949-87(1987): Ceased | |
89 | British Abstracts | Br Abst | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1949+ | |
90 | British Ceramic Transaction | Br Ceram T (UK) | 6 | 1993 | 0 | 0967-9782 | 1993+/2002/: Contd from British Ceramic Trans & Jr. |
91 | British Ceramic Transactions and Journal | Br Ceram Trans J (UK) | 6 | 1939 | 0 | 0967-9782 | 1939-92/1947: Ammalgamating J of British Ceramic Soc., Contd as British Ceramic Tran. |
92 | British Ceramics Abstracts | Br Ceram A (UK) | 12 | 1976 | 0 | 1976-88: Contd as World Ceramic Absts | |
93 | British Chemical Engineering | Br Chem Eng (UK) | 12 | 1957 | 0 | 1957-69: Contd as Process Tech. Intl. | |
94 | British Clay Worker | Br Clay W (UK) | 12 | 1949 | 0 | 1949-73/1951-54: Contd as Clay Worker | |
95 | British Corrosion Journal | Br Corros J (UK) | 3 | 1965 | 0 | 0007-0599 | 1965-90: Discontd |
96 | British Foundryman | Br Foundry (UK) | 12 | 1959 | 0 | 1959-87: Contd as Foundryman | |
97 | British Journal of Applied Physics | Br J Appl Phys (UK) | 12 | 1961 | 0 | 1961-67: Ceased | |
98 | British Power Engineering | Br Power Eng (UK) | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1961+ | |
99 | British Science News | Br Sci New (UK) | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1948+ | |
100 | British Steel Casting Research Asson. Abstracts | Br Steel Cast R A (BSCRA) (UK) | 6 | 1953 | 0 | 1953-67: Discontd | |
101 | British steelmaker | Br Steelmaker (UK) | 6 | 1954 | 0 | 1954-82: Ceased, Contd as Metals & Minerals Intl. | |
102 | British Welding Journal | Br Weld J (UK) | 12 | 1954 | 0 | 1954-68: Contd as Metal Construction | |
103 | Brown Boveri Review | Brown Bov R (UK) | 12 | 1952 | 0 | 1952-79/1973-78: Discontd | |
104 | BSI News | BSI News (UK) | 12 | 1964 | 0 | 1964-75: Discontd | |
105 | Bulk Solids Handling and Processes | Bulk Solid Handl (Switz) | 3 | 1995 | 0 | 0173-9980 | 1995-1997: Discontd |
106 | Bulletin | Bulletin | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1965+ | |
107 | Bulletin and Transactions | Bull Trans | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1960+ | |
108 | Bulletin Central Glass and Ceramic Res Inst | Bull C Glass Ceram R (IN) | 12 | 1958 | 0 | 1958-85/1982,1984: Discontd | |
109 | Bulletin Institution of Mining and Metallurgy | Bull Inst Min Metall (UK) | 12 | 1949 | 0 | 1949-88: Contd as Mineral Industry Intl. | |
110 | Bulletin of Alloy Phase Diagram | Bull Alloy Ph Dia (USA) | 6 | 1987 | 0 | 1987-90: Contd as Jr. of Phase Equilibria | |
111 | Bulletin of American Ceramic Society | Bull Am Ceram Soc (USA) | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1922+ | |
112 | Bulletin of CLRI | Bull CLRI (IN) | 12 | 1958 | 0 | 1958-62: Contd as Leather Science | |
113 | Bulletin of Electrochemistry | Bull Electrochem (IN) | 6 | 1985 | 0 | 0256-1654 | 1985+/2000-2002: Ammalgamating Electro. Bull. |
114 | Bulletin of Materials Science | Bull Mater Sci (IN) | 3 | 1993 | 0 | 0520-4707 | 1993+ |
115 | Bulletin of Mineral Information | Bull Miner Inf (IN) | 3 | 1983 | 0 | 1983+: Contd from Bulletin of Mining Statistics & Inf. | |
116 | Bulletin of Mineral Statistics and Information | Bull Miner Stat Inf (IN) | 6 | 1964 | 0 | 1964-82:Ammalgamation monthly Bull. of Mineral Stat & Inf, Contd as Bulletio of Mineral Information | |
117 | Bulletin of National Geophysical Res Inst | Bull Nat Geophy Res Intl (IN) | 3 | 1963 | 0 | 1963-71: Contd as Geophysical Res Bulletin | |
118 | Bulletin of Sciences | Bull Sci (IN) | 6 | 1984 | 0 | 1984+(1984-92)/1992 | |
119 | Bulletin of the British Non-ferrous Metals Research Associates Association | Bull Br Non-Ferr Met R A(UK) | 12 | 1954 | 0 | 1954-80: Ceased | |
120 | Byte, a small system Journal | Byte (USA) | 12 | 1986 | 0 | 0306-5280 | 1986-1995/1988,1989/(1990): Discontd |
121 | Cadimum Abstract | Cadmium Abst (IN) | 3 | 1982 | 0 | 1982-84: Discontd | |
122 | Calphad: Computer coupling of Phase Diagrams and thermochemistry | Calphad (UK) | 3 | 1997 | 0 | 0364-5916 | 1997+ |
123 | Canadian Ceramics Quarterly | Can Ceram Qtr (Can) | 3 | 1988 | 0 | 0831-2974 | 1988-98: Contd from Jr. of Candian Ceramic Soc., Contd as Candian Ceramics |
124 | Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly | Can Metall Qtr (UK) | 3 | 1962 | 0 | 0008-4433 | 1962+/1972-75,1977-78/ |
125 | Candian Ceramics | Can Ceram (Can) | 3 | 1999 | 0 | 0831-2974 | 1999+: Contd from Candian Ceramics Quarterly |
126 | Candian Journal of Chemical Engineering | Can J Chem Eng (Can) | 6 | 1972 | 0 | 0008-4034 | 1972-2000 |
127 | Candian Mining and Metallurgical (CIM) Bulletin | CIM Bull (Can) | 12 | 1949 | 0 | 0317-0926 | 1949+/1950/(1999)(2001) |
128 | Candian Mining Journal | Can Min J (Can) | 12 | 1950 | 0 | 0008-4492 | 1950-90: Discontd |
129 | Candian Mining Journal Reference Manual and Buyers Guide | Can Min J Ref Man (Can) | 1 | 1965 | 0 | 1965-75: Discontd | |
130 | Capital | Capital | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1960+ | |
131 | Carbon | Carbon (UK) | 6 | 1963 | 0 | 0008-6223 | 1963-89: Discontd |
132 | Cast Metal Research Journal | Cast Met Res J (USA) | 3 | 1966 | 0 | 1966-75: Contd as International Cast Metal Jr. | |
133 | Castings | Casting (Aust) | 6 | 1962 | 0 | 1962-87 (1987): Contd as Metals & Casting Australasia | |
134 | Cement | Cement (IN) | 3 | 1974 | 0 | 1974-81: Discontd | |
135 | Cement and Concrete | Cement Con (IN) | 3 | 1962 | 0 | 1962-70: Discontd | |
136 | Central Patent Index Section: Metallurgy | Cen Patent Ind (UK) | 52 | 1970 | 0 | 1970-86(1970,1986): Contd as Chemical Patent Index | |
137 | Ceramic Abstracts | Ceram Abst (USA) | 6 | 1975 | 0 | 0095-9960 | 1975+ |
138 | Ceramic Age | Ceram Age (USA) | 12 | 1949 | 0 | 1949-76 (1976): Discontd | |
139 | Ceramic Bulletin | Ceram Bull (USA) | 12 | 1922 | 0 | 1922-2001 | |
140 | Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings | Ceram Eng Sci (USA) | 6 | 1995 | 0 | 0196-6219 | 1995+/2000-2003/ |
141 | Ceramic Forum International | Ceram Forum Intl (West Ger) | 12 | 1980 | 0 | 1980-1999(1980): Contd from Berichte der DKG | |
142 | Ceramic Industries International | Ceram Ind Intl (UK) | 12 | 1989 | 0 | 1989-1998: Contd from Ceramic Industries Jr. | |
143 | Ceramic Industry | Ceram Ind (USA) | 12 | 1946 | 0 | 0272-8842 | 1946-90/1948/: Discontd |
144 | Ceramic Source | Ceram Source (USA) | 1 | 1996 | 0 | 1996-2001 | |
145 | Ceramics Industries Journal | Ceram Ind J (UK) | 12 | 1974 | 0 | 1974-88/1980,1981/: Contd from Clay Worker, Contd as Ceramic Industries Intl. | |
146 | Chartered Mechanical Engineer | Char Mech Engr (UK) | 12 | 1954 | 0 | 1954-83: Discontd, Ammalgamating Proc. Inst. Mechanical Engrs | |
147 | CHEM METAL ENG | CHEM METAL ENG | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1917+ | |
148 | Chemical Abstracts: Applied Chemistry Section | Chem Abst Appl Chem (USA) | 24 | 1907 | 0 | 0009-2258 | 1907+/1950/ |
149 | Chemical Abstracts: Author Index | Chem Abst Author | 24 | 0 | 0 | ||
150 | Chemical Abstracts: Chemical Substances and 10th Collective index | Chem Abst Chem Subs | 24 | 0 | 0 | ||
151 | Chemical Abstracts: Formula Index | Chem Abst Formula | 24 | 0 | 0 | Index of Ring Systems formulas | |
152 | Chemical Abstracts: General Subjects and 10th Collective index | Chem Abst Gen Sub | 24 | 0 | 0 | ||
153 | Chemical Abstracts: Patent Index | Chem Abst Patent | 24 | 0 | 0 | ||
154 | Chemical Abstracts: Physical, Inorganic, Analytical Chemistry Section | Chem Abst Phy Anal Chem (USA) | 24 | 1907 | 0 | 0278-1832 | 1907+/1950/ |
155 | Chemical Age | Chem Age | 52 | 1949 | 0 | 1949-69/1951-54: Discontd | |
156 | Chemical Age of India | Chem Age India (IN) | 12 | 1962 | 0 | 1962-89/1974-80 (1981): Discontd | |
157 | Chemical and Engineering News | Chem Eng News (USA) | 52 | 1957 | 0 | 0009-2347 | 1957-80: Discontd |
158 | Chemical and Petroleum Engineering | Chem Petroleum Eng | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
159 | Chemical and Process Engineering | Chem Process Eng | 12 | 1955 | 0 | 1955-72 (1972): Contd as Process Engineering | |
160 | Chemical Communication | Chem Commun | 48 | 2006 | 44 | 1359-7345 | 2006+ |
161 | Chemical Concepts | Chem Concept (IN) | 12 | 1977 | 0 | 1977-78: Discontd | |
162 | Chemical Engineering | Chem Eng (USA) | 12 | 1946 | 0 | 0009-2460 | 1946+/2000-2002/ |
163 | Chemical Engineering Progress | Chem Eng Prog (USA) | 12 | 1960 | 0 | 0306-7275 | 1960-92 (1960): Discontd |
164 | Chemical Engineering Science | Chem Eng Sci (UK) | 18 | 1972 | 0 | 0009-2509 | 1972-98: Discontd |
165 | Chemical Engineering World | Chem Eng W (IN) | 12 | 1972 | 0 | 0009-2517 | 1972+/2000-2003/ |
166 | Chemical Engineers and Transactions | Chem Engr Tran (UK) | 12 | 1965 | 0 | 1965-69 (1969): Discontd | |
167 | Chemical Industry News | Chem Ind News (IN) | 12 | 1979 | 0 | 1979+/2000-2003/ | |
168 | Chemical Patent Index | Chem Patent Ind (UK) | 52 | 1986 | 0 | 1986-92 (1986): Discontd, Contd from Central Patent Index | |
169 | Chemical Processing | Chem Process (UK) | 6 | 1974 | 0 | 0009-2630 | 1974: Contd from Process Tech Intl., Contd as Processing |
170 | Chemical Review | Chem Rev (USA) | 6 | 1964 | 0 | 0009-2665 | 1964-68: Discontd |
171 | Chemical Titles | Chem Titles | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1964+ | |
172 | Chemical Weekly | Chem Week (IN) | 52 | 1986 | 0 | 0009-272X | 1986+ |
173 | Chemistry and Industry | Chem Ind (UK) | 12 | 1979 | 0 | 0009-3068 | 1979-2001 |
174 | Clay Minerals | Clay Miner (UK) | 3 | 1966 | 0 | 0009-8558 | 1966-90: Discontd, Contd from Clay Mineral Bulletin |
175 | Clay Minerals Bulletin | Clay Miner Bull (UK) | 3 | 1962 | 0 | 1962-65: Contd as Clay Minerals | |
176 | Clay Research | Clay Res (IN) | 3 | 1986 | 0 | 1986: Discontd | |
177 | Clay Worker | Clay Work (UK) | 12 | 1974 | 0 | 1974: Contd from British Clay Worker, Contd as Ceramic Industries Jr. | |
178 | CNRM Report | CNRM Report (Belgium) | 3 | 1964 | 0 | 1964-70: Contd as CRM Report | |
179 | Coal and Steel | Coal Steel (IN) | 52 | 1961 | 0 | 1961-67: Discontd | |
180 | Coal Preparation | Coal Prep (UK) | 2 | 1995 | 0 | 0734-9343 | 1995+/1996-2002/ |
181 | Cobalt | Cobalt (Belgium) | 3 | 1958 | 0 | 1958-75: Ceased | |
182 | Coke and Chemistry USSR | Coke Chem USSR (USA) | 12 | 1962 | 0 | 1962-90/1968-76/: Discontd | |
183 | Comite Francais d' Electrothermic: Bull d'Information | Comite Fran Electrotherm (Fran) | 1 | 1976 | 0 | 1976-82/1978-79/: Discontd, Contd from Electrothermic Bulletin | |
184 | Commerce | Commerce (IN) | 52 | 1986 | 0 | 1986-89 (1989): Ceased | |
185 | Communications in Instrumentation | Commun Instrum (IN) | 12 | 1997 | 0 | 1997: Discontd | |
186 | COMPENDEX on disc | COMPENDEX (USA) | 3 | 1985 | 0 | 1985+ | |
187 | Composite Part:A-Applications | Compos Part A-Appls (UK) | 12 | 1997 | 0 | 1359-835X | 1997+ |
188 | Composite Part:B-Engineering | Compos Part B-Eng (UK) | 3 | 1997 | 0 | 1359-8368 | 1997+ |
189 | Composite Science and Technology | Compos Sci Tech | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1996 | |
190 | Compotes Rendus (Bulgarian) | Compotes Rendus Bulg (Bulg) | 12 | 1976 | 0 | 1976-77: Discontd | |
191 | Computer Today | Computer T (IN) | 12 | 1988 | 0 | 0018-9162 | 1988+/1998-2003/ |
192 | Conservation and Recyling | Conserv Recy (UK) | 12 | 1981 | 0 | 1981-87: Contd as Resources Conversation & Recyling | |
193 | Constructia De Masani | Constr de Masani (Bucuresti) | 12 | 1962 | 0 | 1962-82: Discontd | |
194 | Control | Control (UK) | 12 | 1962 | 0 | 0010-8022 | 1962-69 (1969): Contd as Control Instrumentation |
195 | Control and Instrumentation | Control Instrum (UK) | 12 | 1969 | 0 | 0010-8022 | 1969-1999(1969,1997,1999): Contd from ontrol |
196 | Copper | Copper (IN) | 3 | 1959 | 0 | 1959-69: Discontd | |
197 | Copper Abstracts | Copper Absts (IN) | 6 | 1970 | 0 | 1970-75 (1975): Ceased, Contd as Copper Topics | |
198 | Copper Topics | Copper Topic (IN) | 3 | 1977 | 0 | 1977+:Contd from Copper Abstracts | |
199 | Corrosion | Corrosion (USA) | 12 | 1945 | 0 | 0010-9312 | 1945+ |
200 | Corrosion Abstracts | Corros Abst (USA) | 6 | 1962 | 0 | 0010-9339 | 1962+ |
201 | Corrosion and Maintenance | Corros Mainten (IN) | 3 | 1980 | 0 | 1980-85 (1980): Suspended | |
202 | Corrosion Bulletin | Corros Bull (IN) | 6 | 1964 | 0 | 1964-68: Discontd | |
203 | Corrosion Control Abstract | Corros Con Abst (UK) | 12 | 1968 | 0 | 1968-80: Discontd | |
204 | Corrosion Prevention and Control | Corros Prev Con (UK) | 6 | 1960 | 0 | 0010-9371 | 1960+/1966/ |
205 | Corrosion Review | Corros Rev (Holland) | 3 | 1984 | 0 | 0048-7538 | 1984-90: Discontd, Contd from Reviews on Coating & Corrosion |
206 | Corrosion Science | Corros Sci (UK) | 12 | 1961 | 0 | 0010-938X | 1961+ |
207 | Corrosion Technology | Corros Techn | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1963+ | |
208 | Corrosion Update | Corros Upd (IN) | 3 | 1992 | 0 | 0971-0620 | 1992+ |
209 | Cost Engineering | Cost Eng (USA) | 3 | 1960 | 0 | 0274-9696 | 1960-73: Ceased |
210 | CRI Current contents | CRI curr con (IN) | 6 | 1977 | 0 | 1977-90: Discontd | |
211 | CRM Report | CRM Rep (Belgium) | 2 | 1971 | 0 | 1971-82: Ceased, Contd from CNRM Report | |
212 | Crystal properties and preparation | Cryst Prop Prep (Switz) | 2 | 1986 | 0 | 1986-90: Discontd, Contd from Mech. & Corrosion properties sect 'B' | |
213 | CSIR News | CSIR News (IN) | 24 | 1951 | 0 | 1951+ | |
214 | CSM | CSM | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1909+ | |
215 | Current contents: Engineering Tech and Applied Scince | Curr Con Eng Tech Appl Sci (USA) | 52 | 1990 | 0 | 1990-97: Discontd | |
216 | Current contents: Physical Chem and Earth Science | Curr Con Phy Chem Earth Sci (USA) | 52 | 1994 | 0 | 1994-97: Discontd | |
217 | Current Literature on Science of Science | Curr Lit Sci Sci (IN) | 12 | 1972 | 0 | 0379-4504 | 1972+/1978-79,1993-94,1996/(1992) |
218 | Current Science | Curr Sci (IN) | 24 | 1949 | 0 | 0011-3891 | 1949+(1984)/1985-93 |
219 | Defence Science Journal | Defence Sci J (IN) | 3 | 1954 | 0 | 0011-748X | 1954+/1989-92 |
220 | Design | Design (UK) | 12 | 1967 | 0 | 1967-69: Discontd | |
221 | Design Engineering | Design Eng (USA) | 12 | 1980 | 0 | 1980: Discontd, Contd from Product Engineering | |
222 | Diamond Research | Diamond Res (UK) | 1 | 1964 | 0 | 1964-75: Discontd | |
223 | Diffusion and Defect Data | Diffuse Def Data (Switz) | 2 | 1967 | 0 | 1967-77: Discontd | |
224 | Dimension NBS | Dimension NBS (USA) | 12 | 1973 | 0 | 1973-81(1973,1981): Discontd, Contd from NBS Tech News Bull. | |
225 | Discovery | Discovery | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1962+ | |
226 | Documentation Notes | Document Note (IN) | 6 | 1976 | 0 | 1976-80 (1980): Ceased | |
227 | Documented Survey on Metallurgical Development | Document S Metall Dev (IN) | 12 | 1975 | 0 | 1975-86 (1986): Discontd | |
228 | Down to Earth, Society for Environment Communication | Down Earth India (IN) | 24 | 1996 | 0 | 0971-8079 | 1996+ |
229 | Ecology, Environment and Conservation Environment Media | Econ Environ Cons (USA) | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0971-765X | |
230 | Econometrica | Econometrica (USA) | 3 | 1965 | 0 | 0012-9682 | 1965-68: Discontd |
231 | Economic Geology | Econ Geol (USA) | 8 | 1921 | 0 | 1921+/1924-26,1920/50,1980/1991-94/(1996)(1996) | |
232 | Economic Geology and the Bulletin of society of Economic Geologists | Econ Geol Bull Soc (USA) | 8 | 1995 | 0 | 0361-0128 | 1995: Ceased |
233 | Economic Times | Econ Times (IN) | 1 | 1973 | 0 | 1973: Ceased | |
234 | Edax Editor | Edax Ed (USA) | 3 | 1984 | 0 | 1984-85: Discontd | |
235 | Edgar Allen News | Edgar Allen New | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1961+ | |
236 | Egyptian Journal of Chemistry | Egyptian J Chem (Egypt) | 6 | 1958 | 0 | 1958-87: Discontd | |
237 | Elast & damp | Elast & damp | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1940 | |
238 | Electric Furnace Proceedings | Electr Furn P (USA) | 1 | 1945 | 0 | 1945+ | |
239 | Electrical India | Electr India (IN) | 24 | 1974 | 0 | 1974-2000(1990-91) | |
240 | Electrochemica Acta | Electrochem Acta (UK) | 12 | 1965 | 0 | 0013-4686 | 1965-89: Discontd |
241 | Electrochemical Solid State Letter | Electrochem Solid State Lett | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1999 | |
242 | Electrochemical Technology | Electrochem Tech (USA) | 6 | 1967 | 0 | 1967-68: Ammalgamated with Jr. of Electrochemical Society | |
243 | Electrochemistry in Ind. Proceedings and Biology | Electrochem Ind Proc Bio (UK) | 6 | 1971 | 0 | 1971-75: Discontd | |
244 | Electrodeposition and Surface Treatment | Electrodepos Sur T (Switz) | 6 | 1972 | 0 | 1972-75: Contd as Surface technology | |
245 | Electrometallurgy Bulletin | Electrometall Bull (IN) | 2 | 1984 | 0 | 1984: Ammalgamated with Bull. of Electrochemistry | |
246 | Electronic Application News | Electron Appl News (IN) | 6 | 1971 | 0 | 1971-92: Discontd | |
247 | Electronic design | Electron Design (IN) | 12 | 1978 | 0 | 0013-4872 | 1978-79 (1979): Discontd |
248 | Electronic Engineering | Electron Eng (UK) | 12 | 1955 | 0 | 0013-4902 | 1955-1999 |
249 | Electronic for You | Electron Y (IN) | 12 | 1983 | 0 | 0013-516X | 1983+ (1983) |
250 | Electronic Information and Planning | Electron Inform Plan (IN) | 12 | 1975 | 0 | 0304-9876 | 1975-84 (1975, 1984): Discontd |
251 | Electronic Week | Electron Week (USA) | 52 | 1984 | 0 | 0013-5194 | 1984 v.57(15)-v.58(23): Contd from Electronic Intl., Contd as Electronics |
252 | Electronics | Electronics (USA) | 24 | 1948 | 0 | 1948-91/1982-83/1984-85: Discontd, Earlier Title 'Electronics week and electronics Intl. | |
253 | Electronics and Power | Electron Power (UK) | 12 | 1962 | 0 | 1962-80 (1980): Discontd | |
254 | Electroplating and Metal Finishing | Electroplat Met Fin (UK) | 12 | 1953 | 0 | 1953-76/1968/: Ammalgamating Metal Finishing Jr.; Contd as Finishing Industries | |
255 | Electrothermic Bulletin | Electrotherm Bull (Fran) | 2 | 1962 | 0 | 1962-75: Contd as Comite... Information | |
256 | Elektor India | Elektor India (IN) | 12 | 1996 | 0 | 1996-97: Discontd | |
257 | Endeavour | Endeavour (UK) | 3 | 1947 | 0 | 0160-9327 | 1947-76: Discontd |
258 | Energy Management | Energ Manage (IN) | 3 | 1977 | 0 | 1977-98 (1994-95): Ceased | |
259 | Energy Update | Energ Upd (IN) | 12 | 1976 | 0 | 1976-79: Ceased | |
260 | Engineer | Engineer (UK) | 52 | 1950 | 0 | 1950-77/1952-53,1955-67/1968-69: Discontd | |
261 | Engineering | Engineering (UK) | 12 | 1973 | 0 | 1973-90 (1973): Discontd, Contd from Engineering Production | |
262 | Engineering and Fracture Mechanics | Eng Fract Mech (UK) | 18 | 1968 | 0 | 0013-7944 | 1968+ |
263 | Engineering and Instrumentation | Eng Instrum (USA) | 3 | 1959 | 0 | 1959-71(1971): Discontd | |
264 | Engineering and Metal Review Monthly | Eng Met Rev M (UK) | 12 | 1978 | 0 | 1978-85 (1978): Ceased | |
265 | Engineering and Metal Review Weekly | Eng Met Rev W (UK) | 52 | 1975 | 0 | 1975-83 (1975,1983): Ceased | |
266 | Engineering and Mining Journal | Eng Min J (USA) | 12 | 1949 | 0 | 0095-8948 | 1949-86: Discontd |
267 | Engineering Designer | Eng Design (UK) | 6 | 1962 | 0 | 1962-81 (1981): Discontd | |
268 | Engineering Failure Analysis | Eng Fail anal (UK) | 3 | 1995 | 0 | 1350-6307 | 1995+ |
269 | Engineering Index | Eng Index (USA) | 1 | 1975 | 0 | 1975+: Switchover on disc see COMPENDEX | |
270 | Engineering Materials and Design | Eng Mater Design (UK) | 12 | 1961 | 0 | 1961-89: Ammalgamated with Eureka/EM & D | |
271 | Engineering News | Eng News (UK) | 52 | 1964 | 0 | 1964-70: Contd as Engg Production | |
272 | Engineering News of India | Eng News India (IN) | 24 | 1960 | 0 | 1960-74: Ceased | |
273 | Engineering Production | Eng Prod (UK) | 24 | 1970 | 0 | 1970/1972: Contd from Engg News, Contd as Engineering | |
274 | Engineering World | Eng World (IN) | 12 | 1971 | 0 | 1971-78: Discontd | |
275 | Engineer's Digest | Engr Dig (UK) | 12 | 1967 | 0 | 1967-83 (1983): Discontd | |
276 | Environmental Health Perspective | Enivorn Health P (USA) | 12 | 1995 | 0 | 0091-6765 | 1995+ |
277 | Eureka/EM and D | Eureka EMD (UK) | 12 | 1990 | 0 | 1990: Discontd, Ammalgamating Engineering Materials & Design | |
278 | Everyman's Science | Everyman Sci (IN) | 6 | 1966 | 0 | 1966+/1999,2002/ | |
279 | Executive Capsule | Execut Capsule (IN) | 6 | 1996 | 0 | 1996+ | |
280 | Experimental Mechanics | Exp Mech (USA) | 12 | 1961 | 0 | 0014-4851 | 1961-83: Discontd |
281 | Extraits | Extraits | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1948 | |
282 | Fertilizer Technology | Fert Techn (IN) | 3 | 1975 | 0 | 1975-84 (1975): Discontd, Contd from Tchnology | |
283 | Fiber Science and Technology | Fiber Sci Techn (UK) | 3 | 1969 | 0 | 1969-83/1977-80 (1969): Discontd | |
284 | Finishing | Finishing (UK) | 12 | 1982 | 0 | 1982-90 (1982): Discontd, Contd from Finishing Industries | |
285 | Finishing Handbook and Directory | Finish Hand Dir (UK) | 1 | 1981 | 0 | 1981-90: Discontd | |
286 | Finishing Industries | Finish Ind (UK) | 12 | 1977 | 0 | 1977-82 (1982): Contd from Electroplating & Metal Finishing, Contd as Finishing | |
287 | Flight International | Flight Int (UK) | 52 | 1975 | 0 | 1975-76: Discontd | |
288 | Foreign Trade of India | For Trade India (IN) | 24 | 1964 | 0 | 1964-71: Ceased | |
289 | Fornightly Journal of Industry and Commerce | Fort J Ind Comm (IN) | 24 | 1966 | 0 | 1966-78 (1966,1978): Discontd | |
290 | Fouderie | Fouderie | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1969 | |
291 | Foundry | Foundry (IN) | 6 | 1991 | 0 | 1991+ | |
292 | Foundry | Foundry (USA) | 12 | 1948 | 0 | 1948-74: Contd as Foundry Management & Technology | |
293 | Foundry Management and Technology | Found Manage Tech (USA) | 12 | 1974 | 0 | 1974-90/1980/(1974,1979): Discontd, Contd from Foundry | |
294 | Foundry Trade Journal | Found Trade J (UK) | 24 | 1949 | 0 | 0015-9042 | 1949+ |
295 | Foundry World | Found World (IN) | 12 | 1985 | 0 | 1985-90: Discontd | |
296 | Foundry Yearbook | Found Yearbook (UK) | 1 | 1975 | 0 | 1975-81/1977-78: Contd as Foundry Yearbook & Casting Buyers Directory | |
297 | Foundry Yearbook and Casting Buyers Directory | Found Y Cast Buy Dir (UK) | 1 | 1982 | 0 | 1982+: Contd from Foundry Yearbook | |
298 | Foundryman | Foundryman (UK) | 12 | 1987 | 0 | 1987+: Contd from British Foundryman | |
299 | French Techniques | French Tech (IN) | 12 | 1972 | 0 | 1972-77: Discontd | |
300 | Fuel | Fuel (UK) | 12 | 1959 | 0 | 0016-2361 | 1959-83: Discontd |
301 | Fuel Abstracts and Current Titles | Fuel Abst Curr T (UK) | 6 | 1973 | 0 | 1973-77: Contd as Fuel & Energy Abstract | |
302 | Fuel and Energy Abstracts | Fuel Energy A (UK) | 6 | 1978 | 0 | 0140-6701 | 1978+: Contd from Fuel Absts & Current Titles |
303 | Fuel Efficiency | Fuel Eff | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
304 | FUEL IN SC & PRAC | FUEL IN SC & PRAC | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1937+ | |
305 | Fuel Research Institute News | Fuel Res Ins N (IN) | 3 | 1951 | 0 | 1951-75: Discontd | |
306 | Fuel Science and Technology | Fuel Sci Tech (IN) | 3 | 1982 | 0 | 0884-3759 | 1982+ |
307 | Fusion Asia | Fusion Asia (IN) | 3 | 1984 | 0 | 1984-94:Discontd | |
308 | Gas World and Gas Coke | Gas World Gas Coke | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1964+ | |
309 | Gazette of India Pt.III Sec.2 | Gazette India (IN) | 52 | 1961 | 0 | 1961+ | |
310 | Geochemistry International | Geochem Intl (USA) | 6 | 1967 | 0 | 1967-68: Discontd | |
311 | Geological Society of American Bulletin | Geol Soc Am Bull (USA) | 12 | 1968 | 0 | 0016-7606 | 1968: Discontd |
312 | Geological Society of Indian Bulletin | Geol Soc Indian Bull (IN) | 3 | 1964 | 0 | 1964-69 (1964,69): Discontd | |
313 | Geophysical Research Bulletin | Geophys Res Bull (IN) | 3 | 1972 | 0 | 0094-8276 | 1972-85: Discontd, Contd from Bull. of Natl. Geophysical Research Inst. |
314 | Geostandard Newsletter | Geostand Newslett (Fran) | 2 | 1985 | 0 | 0150-5505 | 1985-95: Discontd |
315 | Giessere Forshung | Giessere Forsh (West Ger) | 3 | 1967 | 0 | 1967-69: Discontd, Contd from Giessere Tech. Wissenshaftliche Beihefte | |
316 | Giessere Technisch Wissenshaftliche Beihefte | Giessere Tech Wissenshaft (West Ger) | 3 | 1949 | 0 | 1949-66: Contd as Giessere Forshung | |
317 | Giesserei Forschung in English | Giesserei Forsch Eng (West Ger) | 3 | 1969 | 0 | 1969-70: Discontd | |
318 | Giesserei Zeitschrift G.G. | Giesserei Zeitsch (Ger) | 24 | 1945 | 0 | 1945-90: Discontd | |
319 | Glass Technology | Glass Tech (UK) | 6 | 1960 | 0 | 0017-1271 | 1960-90: Discontd |
320 | Gold Bulletin | Gold Bull (UK) | 3 | 1969 | 0 | 1969+ | |
321 | Gray and Ductile Iron News | Gray Duct Iron N (USA) | 12 | 1962 | 0 | 1962-75 (1962): Discontd | |
322 | Green File | Green File (IN) | 12 | 1996 | 0 | 1996-97: Discontd | |
323 | Hall technology Society Digest | Hall Tech Soc Dig (IN) | 3 | 1962 | 0 | 1962-86: Discontd | |
324 | Harvard Business Review | Harvard Busi Rev (IN) | 6 | 1965 | 0 | 1965-77/1969-75/(1965-68, 1976-77): Discontd | |
325 | Heat Treatment of Metals | Heat Treat Met (UK) | 3 | 1974 | 0 | 0305-4829 | 1974+ |
326 | High Tech Materials Alert | High Tech Mater A (USA) | 12 | 1989 | 0 | 1989-91 (1991): Discontd | |
327 | High Temperature | High Temp+ (USA) | 6 | 1963 | 0 | 0018-151X | 1963-75/1969-74/(1975): Discontd |
328 | High Temperature Materials and Processes | High Temp Mater Proc (Isr) | 6 | 1984 | 0 | 0334-6455 | 1984+: Contd from Rev. on High Temp. Mat |
329 | Hitachi Review | Hitachi Rev (Jap) | 6 | 1963 | 0 | 1963+ | |
330 | Hungarian Technology Abstracts | Hungarian Tech A (Budapest) | 3 | 1964 | 0 | 1964-84: Discontd | |
331 | Huntike Listy (Czech) | Huntike Listy Czech (Czech) | 12 | 1960 | 0 | 1960-70: Ceased | |
332 | Hutnik (Czech) | Hutnik (Czech) | 12 | 1967 | 0 | 1967-84: Discontd | |
333 | Hydrometallurgy | Hydrometallurgy (Nether) | 3 | 1975 | 0 | 0304-386X | 1975+/2002 |
334 | IASLIC Bulletin | IASLIC Bull (IN) | 3 | 1960 | 0 | 0018-8441 | 1960+ |
335 | IASLIC News Letter | IASLIC NewsLett (IN) | 12 | 1960 | 0 | 0018-845X | 1960+ |
336 | ICP Information News Letter | ICP Inform Newslett (USA) | 12 | 1994 | 0 | 1994-98: Discontd | |
337 | IEE News | IEE News (UK) | 12 | 1964 | 0 | 1964-72/1969-71/(1972): Discontd | |
338 | IEEE : Transaction on System Man and Cybernetics, Part A: System and Humans | IEEE T Syst Man Cy A (USA) | 6 | 2003 | 0 | 1083-4427 | 2003+ |
339 | IEEE Transaction on Computers, The IEEE Computer Society | IEEE T Comput (USA) | 12 | 2003 | 0 | 0018-9340 | 2003+ |
340 | IEEE Transaction on Industrial Electronics | IEEE T Ind Electron (USA) | 6 | 1996 | 0 | 0278-0046 | 1996+ |
341 | IEEE Transaction on Magnetics | IEEE T Magn (USA) | 6 | 1981 | 0 | 0018-9464 | 1981-2001 |
342 | IEEE Transaction on Parallel and Distributed System | IEEE T Parall Distr (USA) | 12 | 2003 | 0 | 1045-9219 | 2003+ |
343 | IEEE Transaction on System, Man and Cybernetics Part B: Cybernetics | IEEE T Syst Man Cy B (USA) | 6 | 2003 | 0 | 1083-4429 | 2003+ |
344 | IEEE Transaction on System, Man and Cybernetics Part C: Cybernetics | IEEE T Syst Man Cy C (USA) | 6 | 2003 | 0 | 1094-6977 | 2003+ |
345 | ILZIC Quarterly | ILZIC Q (IN) | 3 | 1994 | 0 | 1994+/1998-2003/ | |
346 | Impact of Science on Society | Impact Sci Soc (Fran) | 3 | 1964 | 0 | 1964-82/1981/: Discontd | |
347 | Indalink | Indalink (IN) | 3 | 1964 | 0 | 1964-83 (1983): Discontd | |
348 | Index of Canadian Specification and Standard | Ind Can Sp Stand (Can) | 3 | 1962 | 0 | 1962-65: Discontd | |
349 | Indian and Eastern Engineer | Indian East Engr (IN) | 12 | 1949 | 0 | 1949-84/1951-56/(1984): Discontd | |
350 | Indian Ceramics | Indian Ceram (IN) | 12 | 1957 | 0 | 1121-7588 | 1957-88 (1988): Discontd |
351 | Indian Chemical Engineers | Indian Chem Engr (IN) | 3 | 1974 | 0 | 0019-4506 | 1974+/1999-2000/: Split in two sections A & B for the years 1994-96 |
352 | Indian Chemical Manufacturer | Indian Chem Manu (IN) | 12 | 1964 | 0 | 1964-85 (1964, 1985): Discontd | |
353 | Indian Commerce Journal | Indian Comm J (IN) | 3 | 1962 | 0 | 1962-69: Ammalgamated with Tamil Arasu | |
354 | Indian Construction News | Indian Construct News | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1960+ | |
355 | Indian Foundry Journal | Indian Found J (IN) | 12 | 1977 | 0 | 1977+ | |
356 | Indian Iron and Steel Statistical Bulletin | Indian Iron St Stat Bull (IN) | 12 | 1980 | 0 | 1980-86: Discontd | |
357 | Indian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics | Indian J Biochem Biophys (IN) | 6 | 1964 | 0 | 0301-1208 | 1964+/1993-94/ |
358 | Indian Journal of Chemical Technology | Indian J Chem Tech (IN) | 6 | 1994 | 0 | 0971-457X | 1994+: Contd from Indian Jr. of technology, see also Indian Jr. of Engg & Material Sc. |
359 | Indian Journal of Chemistry (Section A): Inorganic, Physical.. | Indian J Chem A (IN) | 12 | 1963 | 0 | 0376-4710 | 1963+ |
360 | Indian Journal of Chemistry (Section B) | Indian J Chem B (IN) | 12 | 1963 | 0 | 0376-4699 | 1963+ |
361 | Indian Journal of Engineering and Materials Science | Indian J Eng Mater Sci (IN) | 6 | 1994 | 0 | 0971-4588 | 1994+: Contd from Indian Jr. of Technology, See also Indian Jr. of Chemical Technology |
362 | Indian Journal of Environmental Health | Indian J Environ H (IN) | 3 | 1963 | 0 | 1963-1996: Discontd | |
363 | Indian Journal of Environmental Protection | Indian J Environ P (IN) | 12 | 1988 | 0 | 0253-7141 | 1988+/2002/ |
364 | Indian Journal of Experimental Biology | Indian J Exp Bio (IN) | 12 | 1963 | 0 | 1963-96: Discontd | |
365 | Indian Journal of Marine Science | Indian J Mar Sci (IN) | 3 | 1972 | 0 | 0379-5136 | 1972+ (1972) |
366 | Indian Journal of Material Sciences | Indian J Mater Sci (IN) | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0379-5136 | |
367 | Indian Journal of Physics-A | Indian J Phy A (IN) | 6 | 1959 | 0 | 0252-9262 | 1959+ (1959) |
368 | Indian Journal of Physics-B | Indian J Phy B (IN) | 6 | 1959 | 0 | 0252-9254 | 1959+ (1959) |
369 | Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics | Indian J Pure Appl Phy (IN) | 12 | 1963 | 0 | 0019-5596 | 1963+ |
370 | Indian Journal of Radio and Space Physics | Indian J Rad Sp Phy (IN) | 3 | 1972 | 0 | 1972+ | |
371 | Indian Journal of Technical Education | Indian J Tech Edu (IN) | 0 | 1996 | 0 | 1996-1997 | |
372 | Indian Journal of Technology | Indian J Tech (IN) | 12 | 1963 | 0 | 1963-93: Split into Indian Jr. of Chemical tech. & Indian Jr. of Engg & Materials Sc. | |
373 | Indian Journal of Textile Research | Indian J Text Res (IN) | 3 | 1976 | 0 | 1976-89: Discontd | |
374 | Indian Minerals | Indian Miner (IN) | 3 | 1947 | 0 | 1947+ | |
375 | Indian Minerals Yearbook | Indian Miner Yearb (IN) | 1 | 1959 | 0 | 1959+(1998-1999) | |
376 | Indian Mining and Engineering Journal | Indian Min Eng J (IN) | 12 | 1965 | 0 | 1965+/1996-98/ | |
377 | Indian Potter | Indian Pot (IN) | 3 | 1972 | 0 | 1972-73: Discontd | |
378 | Indian Railways Technical Bulletin | Indian Railways Tech Bull | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1957+ | |
379 | Indian Refractory Makers Asso. (IRMA) Jr | IRMA J (IN) | 3 | 1966 | 0 | 0250-5304 | 1966+/1981/(1975) |
380 | Indian Science Abstracts | Indian Sci A (IN) | 24 | 1965 | 0 | 0019-6339 | 1965+ |
381 | Indian Standard Institute (ISI) Bulletin | ISI Bull (IN) | 12 | 1968 | 0 | 1968-87: Discontd | |
382 | Indian Welding Journal | Indian Weld J (IN) | 3 | 1970 | 0 | 1970-91: Discontd | |
383 | Indian Wire Industry | Indian Wire Ind (IN) | 12 | 1966 | 0 | 1966-69: Ceased | |
384 | Industrial and Engineering Chemical Process Design and Development | Ind Eng Chem Proc D (USA) | 3 | 1962 | 0 | 0888-5885 | 1962-86; Contd as I&EC Research |
385 | Industrial and Engineering Chemical Product Research and Development | Ind Eng Chem Prod R (USA) | 3 | 1962 | 0 | 0888-5885 | 1962-86: Contd as I&CE Research |
386 | Industrial and Engineering Chemical Research | Ind Eng Chem Res (USA) | 12 | 1987 | 0 | 0888-5885 | 1987-2000: Contd from I&CE Pros. Design & Development, I&CE Product Research & Development |
387 | Industrial and Engineering Chemical: Fundamentals | Ind Eng Chem Fundam (USA) | 3 | 1962 | 0 | 1962-76: Discontd | |
388 | Industrial and Engineering Chemistry | Ind Eng Chem | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
389 | Industrial and Engineering Chemistry: Anal. Edition | Ind Eng Chem Anal Ed | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1929-46: Discontd. | |
390 | Industrial and Engineering Chemistry: Indian Edition | Ind Eng Chem Ind Ed | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1931-1946: Discontd. | |
391 | Industrial and Engineering Chemistry: News Edition | Ind Eng Chem News Ed | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1931-1946: Discontd. | |
392 | Industrial Chemistry | Ind Chem | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
393 | Industrial Diamond Review | Ind Diamond Rev | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1966+ | |
394 | Industrial Engineering and Management | Ind Eng Manage (IN) | 3 | 1974 | 0 | 1974-80: Ceased | |
395 | Industrial Finishing | Ind Finish (Switz) | 12 | 1967 | 0 | 1967-77: Discontd | |
396 | Industrial Heating | Ind Heat (USA) | 12 | 1986 | 0 | 1986-91: Discontd | |
397 | Industrial India | Ind India (IN) | 12 | 1961 | 0 | 1961-87 (1987): Discontd | |
398 | Industrial Minerals | Ind Miner (IN) | 12 | 1982 | 0 | 0019-8544 | 1982+/2002/ |
399 | Industrial Product Finder | Ind Prod F (IN) | 12 | 1975 | 0 | 0970-6895 | 1975+/1978-89/(1975-77) |
400 | Industrial Safety and Health Bulletin | Ind Safe H Bull (IN) | 6 | 1962 | 0 | 1962-76 (1976): Ceased | |
401 | Industry and Commerce (Ind-Com) Journal | Ind Comm J (IN) | 3 | 1962 | 0 | 1962-69: Ammalgamated with Tamil Arasu | |
402 | Industry week | Ind week (USA) | 52 | 1964 | 0 | 1970-74 (1972, 1974): Discontd, Contd from Steel | |
403 | Information Bulletin (TISCO) | Inform Bull TISCO (IN) | 12 | 1959 | 0 | 1959+ | |
404 | Information Technology and Libraries | Inform Techn Libr (USA) | 12 | 1988 | 0 | 0730-9295 | 1988-95 |
405 | Institution of Mining and Metallurgy (IMM) Abstracts | IMM Absts (UK) | 6 | 1957 | 0 | 0019-0020 | 1957+/1966-67/(1968) |
406 | Institution of Mining and Metallurgy Transaction A: Mining Industry | Inst Min Metall T A (UK) | 3 | 1976 | 0 | 0371-7844 | 1976+: From 1949-75 See Bull of Inst of Min & Metall |
407 | Institution of Mining and Metallurgy Transaction B: Applied Earth Science | Inst Min Metall T B (UK) | 3 | 1976 | 0 | 0371-7453 | 1976+: From 1949-75 See Bull of Inst of Min & Metall |
408 | Institution of Mining and Metallurgy Transaction C: Mineral processing and Extractive metallurgy | Inst Min Metall T C (UK) | 3 | 1976 | 0 | 0371-9553 | 1976+: From 1949-75 See Bull of Inst of Min & Metall |
409 | Institution of Mining and Metallurgy Transactions | Inst Min Metall T (UK) | 3 | 1976 | 0 | 0371-7844 | 1976+: From 1949-75 See Bull of Inst of |
410 | Institution of Mining and Metals Abstracts | Inst Min Met Abst (UK) | 6 | 1957 | 0 | 1957+/1966-67/(1968) | |
411 | Instrument Society America (ISA) Transaction | ISA Tran (USA) | 3 | 1971 | 0 | 1971-76: Discontd | |
412 | Instruments India | Instrum India (IN) | 12 | 1966 | 0 | 1966-73 (1966, 1973): Cancelled | |
413 | Inter Ceramics | Int Ceram (Ger) | 12 | 1986 | 0 | 1986-2002 | |
414 | International Cast Metal Journal | Int Cast Met J (USA) | 3 | 1976 | 0 | 1976-82/1978/(1982): Discontd, Contd from Cast Metals Research Jr. | |
415 | International Chemical Engineering | Int Chem Eng (USA) | 3 | 1965 | 0 | 1965-83: Discontd | |
416 | International Journal for Fatigue | Int J Fatigue (UK) | 12 | 1990 | 0 | 0142-1123 | 1990+ |
417 | International Journal for Numerical methods in Engineering | Int J Numer Meth Eng (UK) | 16 | 1990 | 0 | 0029-5981 | 1990-96: Discontd |
418 | International Journal for Radiation Physics and Chemistry | Int J Radiat Phy Chem (UK) | 6 | 1973 | 0 | 1973-76: Contd as Radiation Physics & Chemistry | |
419 | International Journal of Applied Radiation and Isotopes | Int J Appl Radiat I (UK) | 12 | 1966 | 0 | 1966-82: Discontd | |
420 | International Journal of Engineering Science | Int J Eng Sci (UK) | 6 | 1964 | 0 | 0020-7225 | 1964-69: Discontd |
421 | International Journal of Fracture Mechanics | Int J Fracture M (Nether) | 3 | 1965 | 0 | 0376-9429 | 1965-80: Discontd |
422 | International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer | Int J Heat Mass Tran (UK) | 12 | 1990 | 0 | 0017-9310 | 1990+/2001-2002/ |
423 | International Journal of Materials in Engineering Applications | Int J Mater Engg A (UK) | 3 | 1979 | 0 | 1979: Contd as Materials in Engg. | |
424 | International Journal of Mineral Processing | Int J Miner Process (UK) | 6 | 1974 | 0 | 0301-7516 | 1974+ |
425 | International Journal of Non Equilibrium processing | Int J Non Equilib P (UK) | 3 | 1997 | 0 | 1368-9290 | 1997-2000: Contd from Intl Journal of Rapid Solidification |
426 | International Journal of Powder Metallurgy | Int J Powder Metall (USA) | 12 | 1966 | 0 | 0888-7462 | 1966-72,1986+: From 1973-85 See Intl Jr of Powder Met. & Powder |
427 | International Journal of Powder Metallurgy and Powder technology | Int J Powder Metall Powder T (USA) | 3 | 1973 | 0 | 0888-7462 | 1973-85: Contd from Intl Jr. of Pow. Met. & Again Contd as Intl. Jr. of Pow. Met. |
428 | International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping | Int J Pres Ves Pip (UK) | 6 | 1982 | 0 | 0308-0161 | 1982+/2001-2002/ |
429 | International Journal of Rapid Solidification | Int J Rapid Solidif (UK) | 3 | 1996 | 0 | 0265-0916 | 1996: Contd as Intl Jr. of Non Equilibrium Processing |
430 | International Journal of Sulfur Chemistry:A, B, C | Int J Sulfur Chem A B C (UK) | 3 | 1971 | 0 | 1971-76: Contd as Phosphorus & Sulfur | |
431 | International Management Digest | Int Manage Dig | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
432 | International Materials Review | Int Mater R (UK) | 6 | 1987 | 0 | 0950-6608 | 1987+/2002/: Contd from International Metals Rev. |
433 | International Metallurgical Review | Int Metall Rev (UK) | 3 | 1972 | 0 | 1972-75: Contd as Intl Metals Review | |
434 | International Metals Review | Int Met Rev (UK) | 3 | 1976 | 0 | 1976-86: Contd from Intl Mtallurgical Rev., Contd as Intl. Materials Review | |
435 | International Powder Metallurgy Patent Bulletin | Int Powder Metall (UK) | 6 | 1968 | 0 | 1968-88: Ammalgamated with Metal Powder Report from 1989 | |
436 | International Science and Technology | Int Sci Tech | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1963+ | |
437 | International Steel Statistics, UK, USA, Japan, Franch and German | Int Steel Stat (UK) | 1 | 1970 | 0 | 1970-82: Discontd | |
438 | International x-ray Emission Spectrometry | Int X-ray Em Spectro (UK) | 3 | 1979 | 0 | 1979-84: Discontd | |
439 | Invention Intelligence | Invent Intell (IN) | 12 | 1984 | 0 | 1984+/1992-95/ | |
440 | Iron Age | Iron Age (USA) | 52 | 1948 | 0 | 1948-76: Discontd | |
441 | Iron and Coal Trades Review | Iron Coal Trade Rev | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1956+ | |
442 | Iron and Steel | Iron Steel (UK) | 12 | 1948 | 0 | 1948-74 (1974): Contd as Iron & Steel Intl. | |
443 | Iron and Steel (Chinese) | Iron Steel (China) | 12 | 1983 | 0 | 1983+ | |
444 | Iron and Steel Control Bulletin | Iron Steel Con Bull (IN) | 3 | 1961 | 0 | 1961-75/1964-65, 1967/(1961): Discontd | |
445 | Iron and Steel Engineers | Iron Steel Engr (USA) | 12 | 1955 | 0 | 1955-99 Oct, Contd as AISE Steel Technology | |
446 | Iron and Steel Industry Monthly Statistics | Iron Steel Ind M Stat (UK) | 12 | 1958 | 0 | 1958-82: Ceased | |
447 | Iron and Steel Institute of Japan (ISIJ) International | ISIJ Intl (Jap) | 12 | 1989 | 0 | 0915-1559 | 1989+: Contd from Trans. of Iron & Steel Inst. of Japan |
448 | Iron and Steel International | Iron Steel Int (UK) | 6 | 1974 | 0 | 1974-85 (1974, 1985): Contd fron Iron & Steel; Ammalgamated with Steel Times | |
449 | Iron and Steel Review | Iron Steel Rev (IN) | 12 | 1957 | 0 | 1957-67: Discontd | |
450 | Iron Steel and Hardware Journal of India | Iron Steel H J India (IN) | 12 | 1959 | 0 | 1959-67/1961/(1962): Discontd | |
451 | Ironmaking and Steelmaking | Ironmak Steelmak (UK) | 6 | 1974 | 0 | 0301-9233 | 1974+/2002/: Contd from Jr. of Iron & Steel Inst. |
452 | Ironmaking Proceedings | Ironmak Proc (USA) | 1 | 1946 | 0 | 1946+ | |
453 | Isotopes and Radiation Technology | Isotopes Radia Tech (USA) | 3 | 1970 | 0 | 1970-72 (1972): Discontd | |
454 | Japan Iron and Steel Monthly (English) | Japan Iron Steel M (Jap) | 12 | 1967 | 0 | 1967-73 (1968): Ceased | |
455 | Japanese Patents Report (Chemistry) | Japan Patent R Chem (UK) | 52 | 1962 | 0 | 1962-76 (1962): Discontd | |
456 | Jena Review | Jena Rev (Berlin) | 6 | 1959 | 0 | 1959-67: Discontd | |
457 | Jernkontorets Annaler | Jernkontorets Annaler (Sweden) | 10 | 1960 | 0 | 1960-71: Contd as Scandinavian Jr. of Metallurgy | |
458 | JISI | JISI | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1937+ | |
459 | Journal of Material Science Letters | J Mater Sci Lett (USA) | 24 | 1982 | 0 | 0261-8028 | 1982-2003/2002/: Merged with Jr. of Materials Science |
460 | Journal of Acoustic Emission | J Acoust Em (USA) | 3 | 1986 | 0 | 0970-1478 | 1986+/1991-95 |
461 | Journal of American Ceramic Society Bulletin | J Am Ceram Soc (USA) | 12 | 1918 | 0 | 0002-7820 | 1918+/2001-2002/(2000) |
462 | Journal of Applied Chemistry | J Appl Chem (USA) | 12 | 1951 | 0 | 1951-1969: Discontd | |
463 | Journal of Applied Chemistry and Biotechnology | J Appl Chem Bio | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
464 | Journal of Applied Chemistry of the USSR | J Appl Chem USSR (USA) | 24 | 1973 | 0 | 1973-76: Discontd | |
465 | Journal of Applied Electrochemistry | J Appl Electrochem (USA) | 6 | 1972 | 0 | 0021-891X | 1972+/2000-2002 |
466 | Journal of Applied Physics | J Appl Phys (USA) | 12 | 1937 | 0 | 0021-8979 | 1931-89 /1949-60/: Discontd |
467 | Journal of Applied Polymer Science | J Appl Poly Sci (USA) | 12 | 1971 | 0 | 0021-8995 | 1971-75: Discontd |
468 | Journal of Australian Institute of Metals | J Austra Inst Met (Aust) | 3 | 1956 | 0 | 1956-77 (1961): Contd as Metals Forum | |
469 | Journal of British Ceramic Society | J Br Ceram Soc (UK) | 3 | 1963 | 0 | 1963-70: Ammalgamated with Br. Ceramic Trans. & Journal | |
470 | Journal of Canadian Ceramic Society | J Can Ceram Soc (Can) | 1 | 1949 | 0 | 1949-87: Contd as Canadian Ceramic Quarterly | |
471 | Journal of Chemical Physics | J Chem Phys (USA) | 24 | 1964 | 0 | 0021-9606 | 1964-69/1965/: Contd as Jr of Chemical Soc. Faraday Trans. II |
472 | Journal of Chemical Society Faraday Transactions Pt.I | J Chem Soc Faraday T I (UK) | 12 | 1972 | 0 | 0956-5000 | 1972-76: Discontd, Contd from Trans. Faraday Society |
473 | Journal of Chemical Society Faraday Transactions Pt.II | J Chem Soc Faraday T II (UK) | 12 | 1972 | 0 | 0956-5000 | 1972-76.: Discontd, Contd from Trans. Faraday Society |
474 | Journal of Crystal Growth | J Cryst Growth (Holland) | 12 | 1974 | 0 | 0022-0248 | 1974-76: Discontd |
475 | Journal of Ecology, Environment and Conservation | J Eco Env Cons (IN) | 3 | 1996 | 0 | 0971-765X | 1996+ |
476 | Journal of Electrochemical Society | J Electrochem Soc (UK) | 12 | 1949 | 0 | 0013-4651 | 1949+/2000-2002/: Ammalgamating Electrochemical Tech. |
477 | Journal of Electrochemical Society of India | J Electrochem Soc India (IN) | 3 | 1964 | 0 | 0013-466X | 1964+/2000-2002/ |
478 | Journal of Engineering Material and Tech. Ser.H. | J Eng Mater T (USA) | 12 | 1980 | 0 | 0094-4289 | 1980-81: Discontd |
479 | Journal of Engineering Physics | J Eng Phys | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
480 | Journal of European Ceramic Society | J Eur Ceram Soc (UK) | 12 | 1990 | 0 | 0955-2219 | 1990+ |
481 | Journal of Fuel and Heat Technology | J Fuel Heat Tech (UK) | 12 | 1966 | 0 | 1966-72 (1966, 1972): Discontd. | |
482 | Journal of Geological Society of India | J Geol Soc India (IN) | 1 | 1959 | 0 | 0016-7622 | 1959-71: Discontd |
483 | Journal of Indian Chemical Society | J Indian Chem Soc (IN) | 12 | 1949 | 0 | 0013-466X | 1949-1980,1995+/2002/ |
484 | Journal of Indian Institute of Science | J Indian Inst Sci (IN) | 12 | 1955 | 0 | 1955+/1985/(1955, 1957): from 1977-1984 3 sections A,B,C; no sections from 1986 | |
485 | Journal of Industrial Pollution Control | J Ind Poll Con (IN) | 2 | 1996 | 0 | 0970-2083 | 1996+ |
486 | Journal of Information Science | J Inf Sci (UK) | 6 | 1996 | 0 | 0165-5515 | 1996-2000 |
487 | Journal of Institution of Chemists | J Inst Chem (IN) | 6 | 1979 | 0 | 0020-3254 | 1979+/2001/ |
488 | Journal of Institution of Consulting Engineers | J Inst Cons Engrs | 12 | 1957 | 0 | 1957-81/1974-78/: Discontd | |
489 | Journal of Institution of Engineers (Hindi Sec.) | J Inst Engr Hindi Sec (IN) | 12 | 1980 | 0 | 0257-4411 | 1980-81(1981): Discontd |
490 | Journal of Institution of Engineers: Chem.Engg.Div. | J Inst Engr Chem Eng D (IN) | 3 | 1959 | 0 | 0020-3351 | 1959+ |
491 | Journal of Institution of Engineers: Civil Engg.Div. | J Inst Engr Civil Eng D (IN) | 6 | 1961 | 0 | 0373-1995 | 1961+ |
492 | Journal of Institution of Engineers: Electrical and Telecom Engineering Division | J Inst Engr Elect Tele D (IN) | 6 | 1961 | 0 | 0373-1995 | 1961+ |
493 | Journal of Institution of Engineers: Electrical Engineering Division | J Inst Engr Elect Eng D (IN) | 3 | 1961 | 0 | 1961+ | |
494 | Journal of Institution of Engineers: Mechanical Engineering Division | J Inst Engr Mech Eng D (IN) | 6 | 1961 | 0 | 1961+ | |
495 | Journal of Institution of Engineers: Metallurgy and Materials Div. | J Inst Engr Metall Mater D (IN) | 3 | 1987 | 0 | 0257-4411 | 1987+.: Contd from Journal of Inst of Engg:Met & Materials |
496 | Journal of Institution of Engineers: Mining and Metallurgy Div. | J Inst Engr Min Metall D (IN) | 3 | 1961 | 0 | 1961-86 (1984): Split into two 1961-86 (1981): Split into two Journals: Jr of Inst. of Engg :(1)Mat.& Materials, (2)Mining Engg | |
497 | Journal of Institution of Metals | J Inst Met (UK) | 12 | 1909 | 0 | 1909-73: Contd as Metals Technology | |
498 | Journal of Intellectual Property Rights | J Intell Prop R (IN) | 6 | 1996 | 0 | 0971-5544 | 1996+ |
499 | Journal of Iron and Steel Engineering | J Iron Steel Eng (IN) | 2 | 1960 | 0 | 1960-75: Discontd | |
500 | Journal of Iron and Steel Institute | J Iron Steel Inst (UK) | 12 | 1869 | 0 | 1869-1973/1905-1909/: Contd as Ironmaking & Steelmaking | |
501 | Journal of Korean Institute of Metals | J Korean Inst Met (Kor) | 12 | 1970 | 0 | 1970-91 (1970,1991): Contd as Journal of Korean Inst. of Metals & Materials | |
502 | Journal of Less Common Metals | J Less Com Met (Switz) | 12 | 1959 | 0 | 1959-89: Discontd. | |
503 | Journal of Librarianship and Information Science | J Libr Inf Sci (UK) | 6 | 1996 | 0 | 1996+ | |
504 | Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials | J Magn Mag Mater (UK) | 12 | 1980 | 0 | 0304-8853 | 1980+ |
505 | Journal of Material Research | J Mater Res (USA) | 12 | 1986 | 0 | 0884-2914 | 1986+/1991-95 |
506 | Journal of Material Science | J Mater Sci (USA) | 24 | 1966 | 0 | 0022-2461 | 1966+ |
507 | Journal of Material Science: Materials in Medicine | J Mater Sci-Mater Med (USA) | 4 | 1990 | 0 | 0957-4530 | 1990+ |
508 | Journal of Materials | J Mater (USA) | 3 | 1967 | 0 | 1967-72: Contd as Journal of Testing & Evaluation | |
509 | Journal of Materials Research (JMR) Abstracts | J Mater Res A (USA) | 12 | 1994 | 0 | 1994: Incorporated in MRS Bulletin | |
510 | Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics | J Mater Sci-Mater Electr (USA) | 0 | 1990 | 0 | 0957-4522 | 1990+ |
511 | Journal of Materials Synthesis and processing | J Mater Syn process (USA) | 6 | 1997 | 0 | 1997-2001: Discontd | |
512 | Journal of Membrane Science | J Membrane Sci (Nether) | 12 | 2000 | 0 | 0376-7388 | 1985-89: Discontd. |
513 | Journal of Metallurgy and materials Science | J Metall Mater Sci (IN) | 3 | 1989 | 0 | 0972-4257 | 2000+: Contd from NML Technical Journal |
514 | Journal of Metals (JOM) | JOM (USA) | 12 | 1949 | 0 | 1949-88: Contd as JOM | |
515 | Journal of Metals, Minerals and Materials (JOM) | J Met Miner Mater (JOM) (USA) | 12 | 1986 | 0 | 1047-4838 | 1989+: Contd from Jr. of Metals |
516 | Journal of Microscopy | J Microsc (UK) | 12 | 1953 | 0 | 0022-2720 | 1986-90: Discontd. |
517 | Journal of Mineral and Metallurgical Processing | J Miner Metall P | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
518 | Journal of Mines, Metals and Fuels | J Min Met Fuel (IN) | 12 | 0 | 0 | 0012-2755 | 1953+/1985-86/ |
519 | Journal of Non Destructive Evaluation | J ND Eval (USA) | 3 | 1998 | 0 | 1998+/2003/ | |
520 | Journal of Patent Office Tech. Society | J Patent Off Tech Soc (IN) | 2 | 1967 | 0 | 1967-79: Discontd. | |
521 | Journal of Phase Equilibria | J Phase Equilib (USA) | 6 | 1991 | 0 | 1054-9714 | 1991-2002: Discontd, Contd from Bull. of Alloy Phase Diagram |
522 | Journal of Physical Society of Japan | J Phys Soc Japan (Jap) | 12 | 1966 | 0 | 0031-9015 | 1966-89: Discontd. |
523 | Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids | J Phys Chem Solid (UK) | 12 | 1964 | 0 | 0022-3697 | 1964-85: Discontd. |
524 | Journal of Physics-A: General Physics | J Phys A Gen Phys (UK) | 12 | 1968 | 0 | 0305-4470 | 1968-74: Discontd. |
525 | Journal of Physics-B:Atomic and Molecular Physics | J Phys B At Mol Phys (UK) | 12 | 1968 | 0 | 0953-4075 | 1968-74: Discontd. |
526 | Journal of Physics-C: Solid State Physics | J Phys C Solids (UK) | 24 | 1968 | 0 | 0022-3697 | 1968-74: Discontd. |
527 | Journal of Physics-D: Applied Physics | J Phys D Appl Phys (UK) | 18 | 1968 | 0 | 0022-3727 | 1968-76: Discontd. |
528 | Journal of Physics-E: Scientific Instruments | J Phys E Sci Instr (UK) | 12 | 1968 | 0 | 0022-3743 | 1968-89: Contd from Journal of Scientific Instruments; Contd as Measurement Sc. & Technology |
529 | Journal of Physics-F: Metal Physics | J Phys F Met Phys (UK) | 12 | 1971 | 0 | 0022- | 1971-84: Discontd. |
530 | Journal of Research and Development | J Res Dev | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1950 | |
531 | Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards Section A: Physics and Chemistry | J Res NBS Phys Chem (USA) | 6 | 1959 | 0 | 0031-9104 | 1928-76:Discontd |
532 | Journal of Royal Institute of Chemistry | J Royal Inst Chem | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1960+ | |
533 | Journal of Science and Engineering | J Sci Eng (IN) | 2 | 1958 | 0 | 1958-70: Discontd. | |
534 | Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research | J Sci Ind Res (IN) | 12 | 1942 | 0 | 0022-4456 | 1942+ |
535 | Journal of Scientific Instruments | J Sci Instr (UK) | 12 | 1948 | 0 | 0022-3743 | 1948-67: Contd as Journal of Physics-E |
536 | Journal of Sol Gel Science and Technology | J Sol Gel Sci Tech (Nether) | 6 | 1995 | 0 | 0928-0707 | 1995-97 |
537 | Journal of South Africa Institute of Mining and Metallurgy | J SA Inst Min Metall (Sou Afr) | 12 | 1989 | 0 | 1989+ | |
538 | Journal of Testing Evaluation | J Test Eval (USA) | 6 | 1973 | 0 | 0090-3973 | 1973+: Contd from Journal of Materials |
539 | Journal of the Birmingham Metallurgical Society | J Birmingham Metall Soc | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
540 | Journal of the Electrodepositors Technical Society | J Electrodeposit Tech Soc | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1946 | |
541 | Journal of the Industry and Trade | J Ind Trade | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1951+ | |
542 | Journal of the Institute of Fuel | J Inst Fuel | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1932- | |
543 | Journal of the Institution of Electrical Engineering | J Inst Elect Eng | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1962+ | |
544 | Journal of the Korean Institution of Metals and Materials | J Korean Inst Met Mater (Kor) | 12 | 1991 | 0 | 0253-3847 | 1991+ (1991): Contd from Journal of Korean Inst of Metals |
545 | Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids | J Mech Phys Solid | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1952 | |
546 | Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Section A | J Royal Stat Soc A | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
547 | Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Section B | J Royal Stat Soc B | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
548 | Journal of the Society of Glass Technology | J Soc Glass Tech | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
549 | Journal of the University of Poona | J Univ Poona (IN) | 2 | 1960 | 0 | 1960-83: Discontd. | |
550 | Journal of Thermal Analysis | J Therm Anal (UK) | 12 | 1969 | 0 | 0368-4466 | 1969-97: Contd as Jr of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry |
551 | Journal of West Scotland Iron and Steel Institute | J W Scot Iron Steel Inst (Scotland) | 1 | 1955 | 0 | 1955-74: Ceased. | |
552 | JPC Bulletin on Iron and Steel | JPC Bull Iron Steel (IN) | 12 | 1999 | 0 | 16481-67 | 1999+: Joint Plant Committee |
553 | JSCI | JSCI | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1890+ | |
554 | Kawasaki Steel GIHO | Kawasaki Steel G (Jap) | 3 | 1995 | 0 | 0368-7236 | 1995+ |
555 | Kawasaki Steel Technical Report (Japanese) | Kawasaki Steel Tech R (Jap) | 3 | 1971 | 0 | 0388-9475 | 1971+ |
556 | Key Engineering Materials | Key Eng Mater (Switz) | 3 | 1986 | 0 | 1986-90: Discontd, Contd from Mechanical & Corrosion Properties | |
557 | Labdav: Journal of Science and Technology | Labdav J Sci Tech (IN) | 3 | 1964 | 0 | 1964-73: Discontd. | |
558 | Laboratory Practice | Lab Prac (UK) | 12 | 1962 | 0 | 1962-74: Discontd. | |
559 | Laghu Udyog (Samachar) | Laghu Udyog (IN) | 12 | 1985 | 0 | 0970-7999 | 1985-96/2004+ |
560 | Lead Abstracts | Lead Abst (UK) | 6 | 1963 | 0 | 1963-79 (1963,1979): Discontd. | |
561 | Leather Science | Leather Sci (IN) | 12 | 1963 | 0 | 1963-87: Suspended, Contd from
Bull. of the Central Leather Res.Inst. |
562 | Lib.Documentation Notes | Lib Document N (IN) | 52 | 1973 | 0 | 1973-77: Discontd. | |
563 | Library Science with Slant to Documentation | Lib Sci Document (IN) | 3 | 1996 | 0 | 1996-2001 | |
564 | Light Metal Age | Light Met Age (USA) | 6 | 1945 | 0 | 1945-2002/1948-58/ | |
565 | Machine Design | Mac Design | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
566 | Machine Shop and Engineering Manufacturer | Mac Shop Eng Manuf (UK) | 12 | 1964 | 0 | 1964-70 (1968): Discontd. | |
567 | Machine Tool Engineer | Mac Tool Engr | 12 | 1959 | 0 | 1959-1972: Discontd. | |
568 | MADF: Inst DVSA | MADF: Inst DVSA | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1928 | |
569 | Management Science | Manage Sci | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1965+ | |
570 | Manufacturing Technology and Management | Manuf Tech Manag (IN) | 3 | 1996 | 0 | 1996+ | |
571 | Margin | Margin (IN) | 3 | 1968 | 0 | 1968-95 (1989): Discontd. | |
572 | Materiale Plastice | Mater Plast (Romania) | 3 | 1967 | 0 | 0025-5408 | 1967-1983: Discontd. |
573 | Materials and Design | Mater Design (UK) | 6 | 1982 | 0 | 0261-3069 | 1982+ (1982): Contd from Material in Engineering |
574 | Materials and Methods | Mater Methods | 0 | 0 | 0 | Contd as Materials in Design Engineering | |
575 | Materials Characterization | Mater Charact (Nether) | 12 | 1990 | 0 | 1044-5803 | 1990+: Discontd, Contd from Metallography |
576 | Materials Engineering | Mater Engg (USA) | 12 | 1967 | 0 | 1967-92/1989/(1967,1991): Ceased | |
577 | Materials Evaluation | Mater Eval (USA) | 12 | 1961 | 0 | 0025-5327 | 1961-75: Discontd. |
578 | Materials Forum | Mater Forum (UK) | 3 | 1986 | 0 | 1986+: Contd from Metals Forum | |
579 | Materials in Design Engineering | Mater Design Eng (USA) | 6 | 1945 | 0 | 0261-3069 | 1945-67/1947/(1967): Contd as Materials Engineering |
580 | Materials in Engineering | Mater Eng (UK) | 6 | 1980 | 0 | 1980-82(1982): Contd from Intl. Journal of Mat in Engg. Application, Contd as Materials & Design | |
581 | Materials Management Journal of India | Mater Manage J India (IN) | 12 | 1965 | 0 | 1965-72: Discontd. | |
582 | Materials Performance | Mater Performance (USA) | 12 | 1978 | 0 | 0094-1492 | 1978+: Contd from Materials Protection & Performance |
583 | Materials Protection | Mater Protect (USA) | 12 | 1962 | 0 | 1962-69: Contd as Materials Protection & Performance | |
584 | Materials Protection and Performance | Mater Protect P (USA) | 12 | 1970 | 0 | 1970-77: Contd from Materials Protection | |
585 | Materials Research and Standards | Mater Res Stand (USA) | 12 | 1961 | 0 | 1961-72: Contd as ASTM Standardisation News | |
586 | Materials Research Society Bulletin | MRS Bull (USA) | 12 | 1994 | 0 | 0883-7694 | 1994+: Incorporating JMR Abstracts |
587 | Materials Science and Engineering A | Mater Sci Eng (Switz) | 12 | 1975 | 0 | 0921-5093 | 1975-1990: Discontd. |
588 | Materials Science and Technology | Mater Sci Tech (UK) | 12 | 1985 | 0 | 0267-0836 | 1985+/2002/: Ammalgamating Metals Sc. & Metals Tech. from 1985 |
589 | Materials Science Report | Mater Sci R (Nether) | 12 | 1987 | 0 | 0927-796X | 1987-1989: Discontd. |
590 | Materials Transaction JIM | Mater T JIM (Jap) | 12 | 1989 | 0 | 0916-1821 | 1989+: Contd from Trans. of Japan Inst. of Metals |
591 | Materials World | Mater World (UK) | 12 | 1993 | 0 | 0967-8638 | 1993+: Ammalgamating Metals & Materials |
592 | Mazingira | Mazingira (IN) | 3 | 1984 | 0 | 1984-85(1985): Ceased, Ammalgamated with Ecologist from 1986 | |
593 | Measurement Science and Technology | Meas Sci Tech (USA) | 12 | 1990 | 0 | 0957-0233 | 1990-2000: Contd from Journal of Physics E |
594 | Measurement Techniques | Meas Tech+ (USA) | 12 | 1975 | 0 | 0543-1972 | 1975-80: Discontd. |
595 | Mechanical and Corrosion Properties | Mech Corros P (Switz) | 3 | 1980 | 0 | 1980-85: Contd from Mechanical Properties, contd as Key Engg.Materials sect.A Crystal Properties & Preparation for Sec.B | |
596 | Mechanical Engineering Bulletin | Mech Eng Bull (IN) | 3 | 1970 | 0 | 0025-6501 | 1970-86: Discontd. |
597 | Mechanical Properties | Mech Prop (Switz) | 2 | 0 | 0 | V.1-6: Contd as Mechanical & Corrosion Properties | |
598 | Memoires et etudes Sci Revue de Metallurgia | Memoir etudes Sci R (UK) | 12 | 1980 | 0 | 1980-83(1980): Discontd, Contd from Memoires Scientifiques de la Rev. de Metallurgia | |
599 | Memoires Scientifiques de la Revue Metallurgie | Memoir Sci de la R (UK) | 12 | 1961 | 0 | 1961-1980(1980): Contd as Memoires et etudes sci Metallurgia | |
600 | Met & All | Met & All | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1929-46: Discontd. | |
601 | Met. Abst. | Met. Abst. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1934-1946 | |
602 | METADEX on Disc | METADEX (USA) | 1 | 1985 | 0 | 1985+ | |
603 | Metal Bulletin Monthly | Met Bull M (UK) | 12 | 1971 | 0 | 1971+/1990/ | |
604 | Metal Bulletin Weekly | Met Bull W (UK) | 52 | 1986 | 0 | 0373-4064 | 1986+/1990 |
605 | Metal Construction | Met Const (UK) | 12 | 1969 | 0 | 1969-83: Discontd, Contd from British Welding Journal | |
606 | Metal Finishing | Met Finish (USA) | 12 | 1955 | 0 | 1955-2000/1991-1995/ | |
607 | Metal Finishing Abstracts | Met Finish Abst (UK) | 6 | 1960 | 0 | 1960-86/1961/(1960): Contd as Surface Treatment Tech.Abst | |
608 | Metal Finishing Journal | Met Finish J (UK) | 12 | 1955 | 0 | 1955-74:Ammalgamated with Electroplating & Metal Finishing | |
609 | Metal Forming | Met Form (UK) | 12 | 1967 | 0 | 1967-71: Ammalgamating Metallurgia(Eng); Contd as Metallurgia:Journal of Mat. Tech. & Metal Forming | |
610 | Metal Industry | Met Ind | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1950+ | |
611 | Metal Powder Report | Met Powder R (UK) | 12 | 1945 | 0 | 1945-90: Discontd, Ammalgamating Intl. Powder Metal Patent Bull.from 1989 | |
612 | Metal Progress | Met Prog (USA) | 12 | 1930 | 0 | 1930-86/1933-35/(1986): Ammalgamated with Advanced Materials & Processes | |
613 | Metal Science | Met Sci (UK) | 6 | 1967 | 0 | 1967-1984: Ammalgamated with Materials Sc. & Technology from 1985 | |
614 | Metal Science and Heat Treatment | Met Sci Heat Treat+ (USA) | 6 | 1962 | 0 | 0026-0673 | 1962-89: Discontd. |
615 | Metal Treatment and Drop Forging | Met Treat Drop Forging | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1961+ | |
616 | Metallography | Metallography (Nether) | 3 | 1968 | 0 | 0026-0746 | 1968-1989: Contd as Materials Characterization |
617 | Metallurgia | Metallurgia (UK) | 12 | 1966 | 0 | 1966-71: Ammalgameted with Metal Forming | |
618 | Metallurgia: Journal of Tech. Metal Forming and Thermal Processes | Metall J Tech Met F (UK) | 12 | 1971 | 0 | 1971+(1971): Contd from Metal Forming | |
619 | Metallurgical Abstracts | Metall Abst (UK) | 12 | 1966 | 0 | 1966-67: Ceased | |
620 | Metallurgical Abstracts on Light Metals and Alloys | Metall Abst Light Met A (Jap) | 1 | 1956 | 0 | 1956+ | |
621 | Metallurgical and Materials Transaction-A | Metall Mater T A (USA) | 12 | 1994 | 0 | 1073-5623 | 1994+: Contd from Metallurgical Trans. A |
622 | Metallurgical and Materials Transaction-B | Metall Mater T B (USA) | 3 | 1994 | 0 | 1073-5626 | 1994+: Contd from Metallurgical Trans. B |
623 | Metallurgical Engineer | Metall Engr (IN) | 1 | 1969 | 0 | 1969-77: Discontd | |
624 | Metallurgical Journal | Metall J (UK) | 12 | 1994 | 0 | 0543-5846 | 1994: Discontd |
625 | Metallurgical Patent Journal | Metall Patent J (UK) | 24 | 1962 | 0 | 1962-70(1962) | |
626 | Metallurgical Plant and Technology (MPT) | Metall Plant T (MPT) (Ger) | 6 | 1978 | 0 | 0395-7254 | 1978+ |
627 | Metallurgical Report | Metall Rep | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1964-1980 | |
628 | Metallurgical Review | Metall Rev (UK) | 3 | 1957 | 0 | 1957-68/1966-67/: Ammalgamated with Metals & Materials | |
629 | Metallurgical Transaction A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials | Metall Trans A (USA) | 12 | 1970 | 0 | 1073-5623 | 1970-93: Contd. as Metallurgical & Materials Trans. A |
630 | Metallurgical Transaction B: Processes Metallurgy | Metall Trans B (USA) | 3 | 1970 | 0 | 1073-5623 | 1970-93: Contd as Metallurgical & Materials Trans. B |
631 | Metallurgist and Material Technologist | Metall Mater Tech+ (USA) | 12 | 1974 | 0 | 1974-76: Discontd | |
632 | Metallurgist:(Tr. from Russian Metallurgy) | Metallurgist+ (USA) | 12 | 1957 | 0 | 0026-0894 | 1957-89: Discontd |
633 | Metals | Metals | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1967 | |
634 | Metals Abstracts | Met Abst (UK) | 12 | 1968 | 0 | 1968+: Switched over on disc see METADEX | |
635 | Metals Abstracts Index | Met Abst Index (UK) | 12 | 1968 | 0 | 1968+: Switched over on disc see METADEX | |
636 | Metals and Castings (Australasian) | Met Cast Austral (Aust) | 6 | 1987 | 0 | 1987-1991(1987,1991): Contd. from Castings; Contd as Metal Casting & Surface Finishing | |
637 | Metals and Materials | Met Mater (UK) | 12 | 1967 | 0 | 1967-92/1982-87/(1977, 1988):
Ammalgamating Metallurgical Review from 1967; Ammalgamated with Materials World from 1993 |
638 | Metals and Materials (Supplement) | Met Mater Suppl (UK) | 12 | 1974 | 0 | 1974-75(1974-75): Discontd, Ammalgamating World Calander of Forth Coming Events | |
639 | Metals and Minerals Annual Review | Met Miner A Rev (UK) | 1 | 1990 | 0 | 1990-1998 | |
640 | Metals and Minerals International | Met Miner Int (UK) | 3 | 1983 | 0 | 1983-87: Discontd, Contd from Bri. Steel Maker & ammalgamated with Refractories | |
641 | Metals and Minerals Review | Met Miner Rev (IN) | 12 | 1965 | 0 | 1965-83(1983): Discontd | |
642 | Metals Casting and Surface Finishing | Met Cast Sur Finish (Aust) | 6 | 1991 | 0 | 1991-1995(1991): Contd from Metals & Casting | |
643 | Metals Engineering Quarterly | Met Eng Q (USA) | 3 | 1962 | 0 | 1962-76: Discontd | |
644 | Metals Forum | Met Forum (UK) | 3 | 1980 | 0 | 1980-86: Contd as Materials Forum | |
645 | Metals Industry News | Met Ind New (UK) | 3 | 1985 | 0 | 1985+ | |
646 | Metals Materials and Processes | Met Mater Proc (IN) | 3 | 1990 | 0 | 0970-423X | 1990+/2003/ |
647 | Metals Materials Today | Met Mater Today (USA) | 12 | 1967 | 0 | 1967-68(1968): Discontd, Contd from Metals Review | |
648 | Metals Review | Met Rev (USA) | 12 | 1947 | 0 | 1947-66: Contd as Metals & Materials Today | |
649 | Metals Technology | Met Tech (UK) | 12 | 1974 | 0 | 1974-84: contd from Journal of the Inst. of Metals; ammalgamated with Materials Sc. & Technology | |
650 | Metalworking Production | Metalwork Prod (USA) | 12 | 1966 | 0 | 1966-83: Discontd | |
651 | Metanse Corrosion Industire | Metanse Corros Ind | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1951 | |
652 | MIMS India | MIMS India (IN) | 12 | 1995 | 0 | 0970-1036 | 1995+ |
653 | Mine and Quarry | Min Quarry (UK) | 12 | 1972 | 0 | 1972-85(1972,1985): Discontd, Contd from Mining & Minerals Engineering | |
654 | Mine and Quarry Engineering | Mine Quarry Eng | 12 | 1972 | 0 | 1958+ | |
655 | Mineral and Industries | Miner Ind (IN) | 6 | 1963 | 0 | 1963-68: Discontd | |
656 | Mineral Exploration,Mining and Processing Patents | Miner Explor Min Patent (USA) | 1 | 1965 | 0 | 1965-1980: Ceased | |
657 | Mineral Industry International | Miner Ind Intl (UK) | 12 | 1989 | 0 | 1989-1995: Contd from Bulletin I.M.M. | |
658 | Mineral Wealth | Miner Wealth (IN) | 6 | 1965 | 0 | 1965-74(1974): Discontd | |
659 | Mineral Yearbook | Miner Yearb (USA) | 1 | 1971 | 0 | 1971+ | |
660 | Mineralogical Magazine | Miner Mag (UK) | 3 | 1957 | 0 | 0026-461X | 1957-97: Discontd |
661 | Minerals and Metallurgical Processing | Miner Metall Proc (USA) | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
662 | Minerals and Metals Review | Miner Met R (IN) | 12 | 1975 | 0 | 0378-6366 | 1975+/1986-88: Contd from Eastern Metals Review |
663 | Minerals and Mineral Products: Statistical Bulletin | Miner Miner Prod Stat B (Aust) | 12 | 1966 | 0 | 1966-76: Discontd | |
664 | Minerals Engineering | Miner Eng (UK) | 12 | 1990 | 0 | 0892-6875 | 1990+ |
665 | Minerals Science and Engineering | Miner Sci Eng (Sou Afr) | 3 | 1969 | 0 | 1969-78(1969): Discontd | |
666 | Minerva | Minerva (UK) | 3 | 1965 | 0 | 1965-80: Discontd | |
667 | Mines and Minerals | Min Miner (IN) | 3 | 1961 | 0 | 1961-70: Discontd | |
668 | Mining and Metallurgy Quarterly | Min Metall Q (Yugo) | 3 | 1962 | 0 | 1962-72:Contd as Rudarsko -Metalurskizbornik | |
669 | Mining and Minerals Enginerring | Min Miner Eng (UK) | 12 | 1964 | 0 | 1964-72: Contd as Mine & Quarry | |
670 | Mining Annual Review | Min Annual Rev | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
671 | Mining Engineering | Min Eng (USA) | 12 | 1949 | 0 | 0026-5187 | 1949+ |
672 | Mining Journal | Min J (UK) | 52 | 1986 | 0 | 1986+ | |
673 | Mining Magazine | Min Mag (UK) | 12 | 1949 | 0 | 1949+ | |
674 | Mitt Max Planck Institute fur Metals in Stuttgart | Mitt Max Planck I (West Ger) | 3 | 1970 | 0 | 1970+: Free | |
675 | Modern Casting | Modern Cast (USA) | 12 | 1955 | 0 | 1955+/2001-2002/ | |
676 | Modern Metals | Modern Met (USA) | 12 | 1962 | 0 | 1962-76: Discontd | |
677 | Monthly Abstracts of Statistics | Mon Abst Stat (IN) | 6 | 1957 | 0 | 1957-76(1957,1974): Discontd | |
678 | Monthly Bulletin of Mineral Statistics and Information | Mon B Miner Stat Inf (IN) | 12 | 1964 | 0 | 1964-72: Ammalgamated with Bull. of Mineral Statistics & Information | |
679 | Monthly Bulletin: British Coal Utilisation Research Association | Mon Bull Br Coal Res Asso | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1960+ | |
680 | Monthly Statistical Bulletin | Mon Stat Bull | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1954 | |
681 | Monthly Statistics of Foreign Trade of India, Vol.II, Import | Mon Stat Foreign T (IN) | 12 | 1971 | 0 | 1971-80: Discontd | |
682 | Monthly Statistics of Mineral Production | Mon Stat Miner Prod (IN) | 12 | 1985 | 0 | 1985+(1985): Contd from Quick Release to the Mineral Statistics in India | |
683 | Monthly Statistics of Production of Selected Industries of India | Mon Stat Prod Ind (IN) | 3 | 1951 | 0 | 1951-68: Ceased | |
684 | Mosaic (Journal of Molybdenum Metallurgy) | Mosaic J Moly Metall (USA) | 3 | 1975 | 0 | 1975-82: Discontd | |
685 | Muszaki Lapszemle (Hungarian) | Muszaki Lapszemle (Hung) | 12 | 1965 | 0 | 1965-1990:Discontd 1965-1990: Discontd |
686 | MW | MW | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1927+ | |
687 | Nano Structured Materials | Nanostruct Mater (UK) | 3 | 1995 | 0 | 0965-9773 | 1995-99: Ammalgamated with Acta and Scripta Met. |
688 | National Academy Science Letters | Nat Acad Sci Lett (IN) | 12 | 1978 | 0 | 0250-541X | 1978-79: Discontd |
689 | National Geographic | Nat Geog (USA) | 12 | 1982 | 0 | 0027-9358 | 1982+/1999-2000/: Discontd |
690 | Nature | Nature (UK) | 52 | 1944 | 0 | 0028-0836 | 1944+/1974-77/ |
691 | Nature and Physics Science | Nature Phys Sci (UK) | 12 | 1972 | 0 | 1972-73: Ceased | |
692 | Nature and Resources | Nature Resour (Fran) | 3 | 1965 | 0 | 0028-0844 | 1965+ |
693 | NBS Technology News Bulletin | NBS Tech N Bull (USA) | 12 | 1958 | 0 | 1958-73(1973): Contd as Dimension NBS | |
694 | NDT and E International | NDT E Intl (UK) | 3 | 1991 | 0 | 0963-8695 | 1991+(1991)/1998-2000: Contd from NDT International |
695 | NDT International | NDT Intl (UK) | 6 | 1980 | 0 | 0963-8695 | 1980-91/1982/(1991): Contd as NDT & E International |
696 | New India Digest | New India Dig (IN) | 6 | 1998 | 0 | 1998-2001: Discontd | |
697 | New Materials World | New Mater World (UK) | 12 | 1989 | 0 | 1989-90: Discontd | |
698 | New Scientist | New Sci (UK) | 52 | 1960 | 0 | 0262-4079 | 1960+(1969) |
699 | New York State College of Ceramic Report(Div.of Eng.and Sc.) | NY State Coll Ceram R (USA) | 6 | 0 | 0 | 1957-66(1957):Discontd |
700 | Nic. Ber. | Nic. Ber. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1932+ | |
701 | Nickel Bulletin | Nickel Bull | 12 | 1935 | 0 | 1935-68(1968): Ceased | |
702 | Nippon Kagaku Kaishi Technical Review | Nippon Kagaku Kaishi T R (Jap) | 3 | 1988 | 0 | 0915-0544 | 1988+(1988): Contd from Nippon Kokan Tech. Report |
703 | Nippon Kokan Technical Report | Nippon Kok Tech R (Jap) | 2 | 1973 | 0 | 1973-88(1988): Contd as NKK Tech. Review | |
704 | Nippon Steel Technical Report | Nippon Steel Tech R (Jap) | 1 | 1973 | 0 | 0300-306X | 1973+ |
705 | NML News | NML News (IN) | 3 | 1987 | 0 | 1987+(1987): Contd from NML News Letter | |
706 | NML News Letter | NML Newslett (IN) | 3 | 1978 | 0 | 1978-85(1985): Contd as NML News | |
707 | NML Technical Journal | NML Tech J (IN) | 3 | 1959 | 0 | 1959-1999: Contd as Jr of Metallurgy & Materials Science | |
708 | Non-Ferrous Metal (Chinese) | Non-Ferr Met Chinese (China) | 3 | 1983 | 0 | 1983-85: Discontd | |
709 | Non-Ferrous Metal Data (ABMS) | Non-Ferr Met Data (USA) | 1 | 1974 | 0 | 1974-1995: Contd from Yearbook of American Bureau of Met. Stat. | |
710 | Non-Ferrous Metals Yearbook | Non-Ferr Met Yearb (USA) | 1 | 1996 | 0 | 1996+: Contd from Non Ferrous Metals Data | |
711 | NRIM Research Activities (Annual Report) | NRIM Res A (Jap) | 6 | 1990 | 0 | 1990+(1990): Contd from Trans of Natl Res Inst for Metals | |
712 | NSDB Technical Journal | NSDB Tech J (Philippines) | 1 | 1976 | 0 | 1976-1981: Discontd (Natl.Science Dev. Board) | |
713 | NSTA Technical Journal | NSTA Tech J | 3 | 1978 | 0 | 1978-86/1981/: Discontd | |
714 | Nuclear Engineering International | Nuclear Eng Intl (UK) | 12 | 1956 | 0 | 1956-76: Discontd | |
715 | Nuclear Power | Nuclear Power (UK) | 12 | 1956 | 0 | 1956-64: Discontd | |
716 | Nucleonics | Nucleonics (USA) | 12 | 1962 | 0 | 1962-67: Ceased | |
717 | Office Gazatte | Off Gazatte | 52 | 1961 | 0 | 1961+ | |
718 | Official Gazette of the United States Patent Office | Off Gazette US Patent (USA) | 52 | 1961 | 0 | 1961-77: Discontd | |
719 | Oil Commentary | Oil Comment (IN) | 24 | 1973 | 0 | 1973-77(1977): Ceased | |
720 | Open Hearth Proceedings | Open Hearth Proc (USA) | 1 | 1944 | 0 | 1944-76: Contd. as Steel Making Proceedings | |
721 | Open Report List (British Steel Corporation) | Open Rep L BSC (UK) | 6 | 1969 | 0 | 1969-75: Discontd | |
722 | Operation Research | Operation Res | 4 | 0 | 0 | 1960+ | |
723 | Operational Research Quarterly | Oper Res Qtr (UK) | 3 | 1961 | 0 | 0030-364X | 1961-67: Discontd |
724 | Opsearch | Opsearch (IN) | 3 | 1964 | 0 | 1964-67: Discontd | |
725 | Overseas Geology and Mineral Resources | Oversea Geol Miner R (UK) | 3 | 1950 | 0 | 1950-66: Ceased | |
726 | Oxidation of Metals | Oxid Met (USA) | 6 | 1969 | 0 | 0030-770X | 1969-89: Discontd |
727 | P/M Technology Monthly News Letter | PM Tech M Lett (USA) | 12 | 1975 | 0 | 1975-82/1980-81/(1982): Discontd | |
728 | Papers from Scientific Conf. and Symp. held in the PR of Bulgaria | Paper Sci Conf Bulgaria (Bulg) | 3 | 1975 | 0 | 1975-91: Ceased, See also Scientific & Technical pub... | |
729 | Paryavaron Abstracts | Paryavaron Abst | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1988 | |
730 | Philips Research Report | Philip Res R (IN) | 6 | 1949 | 0 | 1949-75:Discontd | |
731 | Philips Technical Review | Philip Tech Rev (IN) | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1949+ | |
732 | Philosophical Magazine | Philos Mag (UK) | 12 | 1958 | 0 | 0141-8610 | 1958-77:Split into two parts A & B |
733 | Philosophical Magazine A | Philos Mag A (UK) | 12 | 1978 | 0 | 0141-8610 | 1978-2002: Discontd, Contd from Philosophical Magazine |
734 | Philosophical Magazine B | Philos Mag B (UK) | 12 | 1978 | 0 | 0141-8610 | 1978-2002: Discontd, See also Philosophical Magazine |
735 | Philosophical Magazine Letters | Philos Mag Lett (UK) | 12 | 1987 | 0 | 0950-0839 | 1987-2002: Discontd |
736 | Phosphorus and Sulphur | Phosp Sulphur (UK) | 6 | 1976 | 0 | 1976-81: Discontd, Contd from Intl. Journal of Sulfur Chemistry | |
737 | Physical Review A: General Physics | Phys Rev A (USA) | 24 | 1913 | 0 | 1050-2947 | 1913-74/1946/:Discontd (C:0556-2813; D: 0556-2821) |
738 | Physical Review B: Solid State and Index | Phys Rev B (USA) | 24 | 1913 | 0 | 0163-1829 | 1913-83/1946/:Discontd |
739 | Physical Review C: Nuclear Physics | Phys Rev C (USA) | 24 | 0 | 0 | 0556-2813 | 1913-74/1946/:Discontd |
740 | Physical Review D: Practicals and Fields | Phys Rev D (USA) | 24 | 0 | 0 | 0556-2821 | 1913-74/1946/:Discontd |
741 | Physics Abstracts | Phys Abst | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1944+ | |
742 | Physics and Chemistry | Phys Chem (USA) | 6 | 1959 | 0 | ||
743 | Physics and Chemistry of Glasses | Phys Chem Glass (UK) | 6 | 1960 | 0 | 0031-9090 | 1960-69: Discontd |
744 | Physics of Metals and Metallography | Phys Met Metall (UK) | 12 | 1957 | 0 | 1957-86:Discontd | |
745 | PIME | PIME | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1939+ | |
746 | Planseeberichte fur Pulvermetallurgie | Plans Pulvermetall (Austria) | 3 | 1959 | 0 | 1959-80:Discontd | |
747 | Plating and Surface Finishing | Plat Surf Finish (USA) | 12 | 1951 | 0 | 0360-3164 | 1951-2002(2001,2002): Discontd |
748 | Platinum Metals Review | Plat Met R (UK) | 3 | 1958 | 0 | 0032-1400 | 1958+ |
749 | PMAI News Letter | PMAI Lett (IN) | 3 | 1982 | 0 | 1982-90:Discontd | |
750 | Polish Technical and Ecology Abstract | Polish Tech Eco A (Poland) | 3 | 1967 | 0 | 1967-86:Discontd | |
751 | Polish Technical Review | Polish Tech Rev (Poland) | 12 | 1967 | 0 | 1967-90:Discontd | |
752 | Pollution Research | Pollut Res (IN) | 3 | 1996 | 0 | 0257-8050 | 1996+ |
753 | Powder Diffraction | Powder Diff (USA) | 3 | 1986 | 0 | 1986-90:Discontd | |
754 | Powder Handling and Processing | Powder Hand Proc (Switz) | 3 | 1995 | 0 | 1995+ | |
755 | Powder Metallurgy | Powder Metall (UK) | 3 | 1958 | 0 | 0032-5899 | 1958-90:Discontd |
756 | Powder Metallurgy International | Powder Metall Intl (Ger) | 6 | 1975 | 0 | 1975-89:Discontd | |
757 | Powder Metallurgy Science and Technology | Powder Metall Sci Tech (USA) | 12 | 1974 | 0 | 1974-85:Ceased | |
758 | Powder Technology | Powder Tech (Switz) | 6 | 1974 | 0 | 0032-5910 | 1974-80:Discontd |
759 | Prace Instytutu Metallurgy Zelaza (Polish) | Prace Inst Metall (Poland) | 6 | 1960 | 0 | 1960+/1969-77/ | |
760 | Practical Metallography | Prac Metall (Ger) | 12 | 1971 | 0 | 1971-1998: Discontd | |
761 | Pramana : Journal of Physics | Pramana J Phys (IN) | 12 | 1992 | 0 | 0304-4289 | 1992+(1992) |
762 | Precision Metal | Precis Met (USA) | 12 | 1980 | 0 | 1980:Discontd | |
763 | Press Review | Press Rev (UK) | 365 | 1956 | 0 | 1956-74:Discontd | |
764 | Printing Time | Print Time (IN) | 6 | 1987 | 0 | 1987+ | |
765 | Pro. | Pro. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1921-1948: Discontd. | |
766 | Proceedings of American Institution of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers | Proc Am Inst Min Metall Engr (USA) | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1953+ | |
767 | Proceedings of Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy | Proc Austral Inst Min Metall (Aust) | 3 | 1953 | 0 | 1953-83:Contd as Aus.IMM Bulletin & Proc | |
768 | Proceedings of British Foundryman Association | Proc Br Foundry Asso | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1918+ | |
769 | Proceedings of Indian Academy of Science: C | Proc Indian A Sci-C (IN) | 3 | 1978 | 0 | 0370-0097 | 1978-83:Contd as Sadhana: Academy Proc in Engg. Science |
770 | Proceedings of Indian Academy of Science: Chemical Science | Proc Indian A Sci-Chem Sci (IN) | 6 | 1934 | 0 | 0370-0097 | 1934+ |
771 | Proceedings of Indian Academy of Science: Earth and Planet | Proc Indian A Sci-Earth (IN) | 6 | 1934 | 0 | 0370-0097 | 1934-2002: Discontd |
772 | Proceedings of Indian Academy of Science: Math. Science | Proc Indian A Sci-Math (IN) | 6 | 1934 | 0 | 0370-0097 | 1934-2002: Discontd |
773 | Proceedings of Institute of Mechanical Engineers | Proc Inst Mech Engr | 12 | 1939 | 0 | 1939-69/1940-42,1955-56,1967/: Discontd, Ammalgamated with Chartered Mechanical Engineers | |
774 | Proceedings of International Conference on Fatigue of Metals | Proc Intl Conf Fatigue Met | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1954 | |
775 | Proceedings of Society for Experimental Stress Analysis | Proc Soc Exp Stress A | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1954 | |
776 | Proceedings of the Institute of British Foundryman | Proc Inst Br Foundry | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1944+ | |
777 | Proceedings of the Japan Congress Materials Research | Proc Japan Con Mater R (Jap) | 1 | 1967 | 0 | 1967-95:Discontd | |
778 | Proceedings of the Physical Society | Proc Phys Soc (UK) | 12 | 1954 | 0 | 1954-69:See Journal of Physics A,B,C | |
779 | Proceedings of the Royal Society of London: Series A | Proc Royal Soc A (UK) | 24 | 1949 | 0 | 1949-76:Discontd | |
780 | Proceedings: Blast Fur & Raw Mat. Coke oven (I & S) | Proc Blast Raw Mat | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1947 | |
781 | Proceedings: International Conference on the Peaceful uses of Atomic Energy | Proc Intl Conf Atomic Energy | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1965 | |
782 | Proceedings: National Open Committee | Proc Nat Open Comm | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1944 | |
783 | Proceedings: Spon by EFS | Proc Spon EFS | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1946 | |
784 | Process Engineering | Process Eng (UK) | 12 | 1972 | 0 | 1972-1999(1972,1999):Contd from Chemical & Process Engineering | |
785 | Process Technology International | Process Tech Intl (UK) | 12 | 1973 | 0 | 1973(1973):Contd from British Chemical Engg Contd as Chemical Processing | |
786 | Process Technology Proceedings | Process Tech Proc (USA) | 1 | 1983 | 0 | 1983-1996/1987/ | |
787 | Processing | Processing (UK) | 12 | 1974 | 0 | 1974-1999(1974):Contd from Chemical Processing | |
788 | Product Engineering | Product Eng (USA) | 12 | 1958 | 0 | 1958-79:Contd as Design Engineering | |
789 | Product Finishing | Product Finish (UK) | 12 | 1954 | 0 | 1954-89:Discontd | |
790 | Productivity | Productivity (IN) | 6 | 1961 | 0 | 1961-67:Discontd | |
791 | Productivity News | Product New (IN) | 12 | 1978 | 0 | 1978-2002: Discontd | |
792 | Progress | Progress (IN) | 3 | 1951 | 0 | 1951-70:Ceased | |
793 | Progress in Analytical Atomic Spectrometry | Progress Anal At Spec (UK) | 3 | 1979 | 0 | 1979-89:Contd as Spectrochemica Acta Review | |
794 | Protection of Metals | Protect Met (USA) | 6 | 1968 | 0 | 0033-1732 | 1968-88:Discontd |
795 | PTI Science Service | PTI Sci Ser (IN) | 24 | 1983 | 0 | 1983+(1983) | |
796 | Quarterly Journal of Mechanical and Applied Mathematics | Qtr J Mech Appl Math (UK) | 3 | 1961 | 0 | 1961-67:Discontd | |
797 | Quick Release to the Mineral Statistics in India | Quick R Miner Stat India (IN) | 12 | 1978 | 0 | 1978-85(1985):Contd as Monthly Statistics of Mineral Production | |
798 | Radex-Rundschau (Austria) | Radex-Rund (Austria) | 3 | 1946 | 0 | 1946-81:Discontd | |
799 | Radiation Physics and Chemistry | Radiat Phys Chem (UK) | 12 | 1977 | 0 | 1977-80:Contd from Intl. J. for Radiation Physics & Chemistry | |
800 | Ralisar | Ralisar (IN) | 3 | 1985 | 0 | 1985-91(1987,1990):Discontd | |
801 | Refractories | Refractories (USA) | 6 | 1961 | 0 | 1961-89(1962):Discontd | |
802 | Refractories Journal | Refractories J (UK) | 6 | 1948 | 0 | 1948-89/1950-54/:Contd as World Ceramics & Refractories | |
803 | Reliability Engineering and System Safety | Reliab Eng Sys Safe (Switz) | 12 | 1988 | 0 | 0951-8320 | 1988-90:Discontd, Contd from Reliability Engineering |
804 | Reliability Engineering | Reliab Eng (Switz) | 12 | 1987 | 0 | 0951-8320 | 1987:Contd as Reliability Engg. & System Safety |
805 | Report of Casting Research Laboratory | Rep Cast Res Lab (Jap) | 1 | 1965 | 0 | 1965-89:Contd as Report of Material Science & Tech | |
806 | Report of Material Science and Technology | Rep Mater Sci Tech (Jap) | 1 | 1990 | 0 | 1990+:Contd from Report of Casting Research Lab | |
807 | Report of Progress in Physics | Rep Prog Phys (UK) | 12 | 1966 | 0 | 0034-4885 | 1966-76:Discontd |
808 | Reports of Research Institute for Strength and Fracture of Materials | Rep Res Inst Fract M (Jap) | 2 | 1965 | 0 | 1965-80/1979/:Discontd | |
809 | Reports on the Progress of Applied Chemistry: Society of Chemical Industry | Rep Prog Appl Chem | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1949+ | |
810 | Research | Research | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1949+ | |
811 | Research and Development Digest | R&D Dig (IN) | 6 | 1962 | 0 | 1962-93:Ceased | |
812 | Research and Industry | Res Ind (IN) | 3 | 1958 | 0 | 1958-95: Merged with Jr of Science & Industrial Research | |
813 | Research and Technology Management | Res Tech Manage (USA) | 6 | 1988 | 0 | 1988-89: Discontd, Contd from Research Management | |
814 | Research Applied in Industry | Res Appl Ind | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1960+ | |
815 | Research Management | Res Manage (USA) | 6 | 1958 | 0 | 1958-87:Contd as Research/Tech. Management | |
816 | Resonanace of Journal Science Education | Reson J Sci Edu (IN) | 12 | 1996 | 0 | 1996+ | |
817 | Resource Conservation and Recycling | Resou Cons Recy (Nether) | 3 | 1988 | 0 | 0921-3449 | 1988+/2000-2002/:Contd from Conservation & Recycling |
818 | Review in Analytical Chemistry | Rev Anal Chem (Isr) | 3 | 1971 | 0 | 1971-91:Discontd | |
819 | Review of Science Institution | Rev Sci Inst | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1930-1946: Discontd. | |
820 | Review on Modern Physics | Rev Mod Phys (USA) | 3 | 1929 | 0 | 0034-6861 | 1929-83/1944-46,1950/:Discontd |
821 | Reviews in Mineralogist | Rev Miner (USA) | 1 | 1983 | 0 | 0275-0279 | 1983-90:Discontd |
822 | Reviews of High Temperature Materials | Rev High Temp Mater (Isr) | 3 | 1971 | 0 | 1971-83:Contd as High Temp.Materials & Material Processes | |
823 | Reviews on Castings and Corrosion | Rev Cast Corros (Isr) | 3 | 1971 | 0 | 1971-83:Contd as Corrosion Review | |
824 | Revu Roumaine des Science Techniques-Ser Matallurgie | Revu Roumaine des Sci (Rom) | 12 | 1962 | 0 | 1962-73/1962/:Ceased | |
825 | Revue de Metallurgie | Revue de Metall (Jap) | 12 | 1959 | 0 | 1959-69/1962/(1969):Discontd | |
826 | Roorke University Research Journal | Roorke Univ Res J (IN) | 3 | 1968 | 0 | 1968-70:Ceased | |
827 | RPAC | RPAC | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1916+ | |
828 | Ruddy I Metals Niezelaznd (Non-Ferrous Ores and Metals) | Ruddy I Met Nie (Poland) | 12 | 1963 | 0 | 1963-70(1970):Cancelled | |
829 | Rudy (Czech) | Rudy (Czech) | 12 | 1964 | 0 | 1964-71:Cancelled | |
830 | Russian Castings and Production | Russ Cast Prod (UK) | 12 | 1961 | 0 | 1961-76:Ceased | |
831 | Russian Language | Russ Lang (IN) | 6 | 1967 | 0 | 1967-73:Discontd | |
832 | Russian Metallurgy | Russ Metall (UK) | 6 | 1960 | 0 | 0036-0295 | 1960-90/1961/:Discontd |
833 | Russian Metallurgy and Fuels | Russ Metall Fuel | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1960+ | |
834 | Russian Metallurgy and Mining | Russ Metall Min | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1964+ | |
835 | Sadhana | Sadhana (IN) | 3 | 1984 | 0 | 0256-2499 | 1984+:Contd from Academy of Science C |
836 | Samaj Kalyan | Samaj Kalyan (IN) | 12 | 1964 | 0 | 1964-66:Discontd | |
837 | Sankhya: Indian Journal of Statistics | Sankhya Indian J Stat (IN) | 12 | 1964 | 0 | 1964-65:Discontd | |
838 | SBIP | SBIP | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1891+ | |
839 | Scandinavian Journal of Metallurgy | Scand J Metall (Den) | 6 | 1972 | 0 | 0371-0459 | 1972+:Contd from Jernkontorets Annaler |
840 | Science | Science (USA) | 52 | 1961 | 0 | 0036-861X | 1961-83/1977-80/(1969,1976):Discontd |
841 | Science Abs. (Phy) | Science Abs. (Phy) | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1917-1946: Discontd. | |
842 | Science Age | Sci Age (IN) | 12 | 1984 | 0 | 1984-87:Discontd | |
843 | Science and Culture | Sci Culture (IN) | 12 | 1949 | 0 | 0036-8156 | 1949+ |
844 | Science and Industry | Sci Ind (IN) | 3 | 1974 | 0 | 1974-80:Ceased | |
845 | Science and Technology | Sci Tech (IN) | 12 | 1968 | 0 | 1968-69(1969):Discontd | |
846 | Science Horizons | Sci Hori (IN) | 12 | 1964 | 0 | 1964-72(1972):Discontd | |
847 | Science in Parliament | Sci Parl (IN) | 3 | 1963 | 0 | 1963-64:Discontd | |
848 | Science Journal | Sci J | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
849 | Science ki Duniya | Sci Duniya (IN) | 3 | 1985 | 0 | 1985+ | |
850 | Science News | Sci New | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1948+ | |
851 | Science of Sintering | Sci Sinter (Yugos) | 3 | 1980 | 0 | 1980+ | |
852 | Science Progress | Sci Prog (IN) | 3 | 1949 | 0 | 1949-76:Discontd | |
853 | Science Reporter | Sci Rep (IN) | 12 | 1964 | 0 | 0036-8512 | 1964+ |
854 | Science Reports of Research Institute of Tohuku Univ | Sci Rep Res Tohuku A (Jap) | 6 | 1959 | 0 | 0040-8808 | 1959+ |
855 | Science Today | Sci Today (IN) | 12 | 1966 | 0 | 1966-88/1971,80-81,83/(67,72-73,78-89,84-85,87-88:Contd as 2001 | |
856 | Scientia Sinice | Scientia Sinice | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
857 | Scientific American | Sci Am (USA) | 12 | 1956 | 0 | 0036-8733 | 1956+/1991/ |
858 | Scientific and Technical Publications in Bulgaria | Sci Tech P Bulgaria (Bulg) | 3 | 1994 | 0 | 1994+:see also Papers from scientific | |
859 | Scripta Materialia | Scripta Mater (UK) | 6 | 1996 | 0 | 1359-6462 | 1996+:Contd from Scripta Metallurgica et Materialia |
860 | Scripta Metallurgica | Scripta Metall (UK) | 12 | 1967 | 0 | 1359-6462 | 1967-89/1968-69/:Contd as Scripta Metallurgica et Materiala |
861 | Scripta Metallurgica et Materialia | Scripta Metall Mater (UK) | 6 | 1990 | 0 | 1359-6462 | 1990-95:Contd as Scripta Materialia; Contd from Scripta Metallurgica |
862 | Selenium and Tellurium Abstracts | Selenium Tellurium A (UK) | 12 | 1971 | 0 | 1971-82(1971):Discontd | |
863 | Seminer Reporteur | Sem Report (IN) | 12 | 1986 | 0 | 1986-89(1989):Discontd | |
864 | Separation Science and Technology | Separ Sci Tech (USA) | 12 | 2003 | 0 | 0149-6395 | 2003+ |
865 | Sheet Metal Industries | Sheet Met Ind (UK) | 12 | 1949 | 0 | 1949-1988:Discontd | |
866 | Siemens Review | Siemen Rev (Ger) | 12 | 158 | 0 | 1958-69:Discontd | |
867 | Silver Institute Letter | Silver Inst Lett (USA) | 12 | 1972 | 0 | 1972-86:Discontd | |
868 | Smart Materials and Structures | Smart Mater Struct | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1992 | |
869 | Society and Science | Soc Sci | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1979 | |
870 | Solvent Extraction and Ion Exchange | Solv Extr Ion Exc (USA) | 12 | 1988 | 0 | 0736-6299 | 1988+ |
871 | South East Asia Iron and Steel Institute Quaterly | SEAISI Qtr (Singap) | 3 | 1972 | 0 | 1972-2000/1998/ | |
872 | Soviet Electrochemistry | Sov Electrochem (USA) | 12 | 1968 | 0 | 1968-88:Discontd | |
873 | Soviet Inventions illustrated | Sov Inv ill (UK) | 52 | 1962 | 0 | 1962-76:Discontd | |
874 | Soviet Journal of Non-Ferrous Metals | Sov J Non-Ferr Met (USA) | 6 | 0 | 0 | ||
875 | Soviet Non-Ferrous Metals Research | Sov Non-Ferr Met R (UK) | 6 | 1973 | 0 | 1973-86:Ceased | |
876 | Soviet Physics Crystallography | Sov Phys Crystall (USA) | 6 | 1957 | 0 | 1957-1980:Discontd | |
877 | Soviet Physics JETP | Sov Phys JETP (USA) | 12 | 1962 | 0 | 1962-64:Discontd | |
878 | Soviet Physics Tech-Physics | Sov Phys Tech-Phys (USA) | 12 | 1962 | 0 | 1962-69:Discontd | |
879 | Soviet Physics-Doklady | Sov Phys-Dok (USA) | 12 | 1962 | 0 | 1962-64:Discontd | |
880 | Soviet Physics-Solid State | Sov Phys-Solid (USA) | 12 | 1959 | 0 | 1959-74:Discontd | |
881 | Soviet Physics-Uspekhi | Sov Phys-Usp (USA) | 6 | 1958 | 0 | 1958-67:Discontd | |
882 | Soviet Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramic | Sov Powder Metall (USA) | 12 | 1963 | 0 | 1963-88:Discontd | |
883 | Spectrochimica Acta Review | Spectrochim Acta Rev (UK) | 12 | 1990 | 0 | 1990-93:Ceased, Contd from Prog. Analytical Spectrometry | |
884 | Sprechsaal | Sprechsaal (Ger) | 12 | 1954 | 0 | 1954-89:Discontd | |
885 | Stahl und Eisen | Stahl Eisen (Ger) | 12 | 1981 | 0 | 0340-4803 | 1981+/2000-2002/ |
886 | Stal in English | Stal Eng (UK) | 12 | 1959 | 0 | 1959-66:Discontd | |
887 | Standards India | Stand India (IN) | 12 | 1996 | 0 | 1996+ | |
888 | Statistical Summary of the Mineral Industries | Stat Summ Miner Ind (IN) | 1 | 1962 | 0 | 1962-71:Contd as World Mineral Statistics | |
889 | Steel | Steel (USA) | 52 | 1953 | 0 | 1953-69(1966):Contd as Industry Week | |
890 | Steel Casting Abstract | Steel Cast Abst (UK) | 6 | 1953 | 0 | 1953-85/1981-84/:Discontd | |
891 | Steel Furnace Monthly | Steel Furn M (IN) | 12 | 1967 | 0 | 1967-81(1981):Discontd | |
892 | Steel in Translation | Steel Trans (USA) | 12 | 1992 | 0 | 0967-0912 | 1992+/2002/:Contd from Steel in USSR |
893 | Steel in USSR | Steel USSR (UK) | 12 | 1971 | 0 | 1971-91:Contd as Steel in Translation | |
894 | Steel India | Steel India (IN) | 3 | 1979 | 0 | 1979+/1987-93/ | |
895 | Steel Industry Monitor | Steel Ind Mon (UK) | 12 | 1981 | 0 | 1981-82(1982):Ceased, Contd from Abst. Cards | |
896 | Steel Making Proceedings | Steelmak Proc (USA) | 1 | 1977 | 0 | 1977+:Contd. from Open Hearth Proc | |
897 | Steel Research | Steel Res (West Ger) | 12 | 1985 | 0 | 0177-4832 | 1985+:Contd from Archiv Fur Das |
898 | Steel Scenario (Monthly) | Steel Scen M (IN) | 12 | 1994 | 0 | 1994+ | |
899 | Steel Scenario (Quarterly) | Steel Scen Q (IN) | 3 | 1994 | 0 | 1994+ | |
900 | Steel Scrap Monthly | Steel Scrap M (IN) | 12 | 1975 | 0 | 1975-86/1976,1985/:Discontd | |
901 | Steel Technical Report | Steel Tech R (IN) | 24 | 1995 | 0 | 1995-1997: Discontd | |
902 | Steel Times | Steel Times (UK) | 12 | 1949 | 0 | 0143-7798 | 1949+:Ammalgamating Iron & Steel Intl. Contd from Steel & Coal |
903 | Steel Times International | Steel Times Intl (UK) | 3 | 1985 | 0 | 1985-90/1986-88/(1985):Discontd | |
904 | Steel Today and Tomorrow | Steel Tod Tom (Jap) | 6 | 1973 | 0 | 1973+ | |
905 | Strength of Materials | Strength Mater (UK) | 12 | 1975 | 0 | 1975-80:Discontd | |
906 | Studies from Research Institute of Mineral Dressing and Metallurgy | Stud Res Inst Miner (Jap) | 1 | 1949 | 0 | 1949-62:Discontd | |
907 | Sumitomo Search English | Sumitomo S (Jap) | 2 | 1969 | 0 | 1969+(1969) | |
908 | Surface and Coating Technology | Surf Coat Tech (Switz) | 6 | 1986 | 0 | 0257-8972 | 1986-89: Discontd, Contd from Surface Technology |
909 | Surface Engineering Bulletin | Surf Eng Bull (IN) | 3 | 1995 | 0 | 1995+ | |
910 | Surface Technology | Surf Tech (Switz) | 6 | 1976 | 0 | 1976-1985:Contd from Eletroposition & Surface Treatment & contd as Surface & Coating Tech | |
911 | Surface Treatment Technical Abstract | Surf Treat Tech A (UK) | 6 | 1986 | 0 | 1986-87: Discontd, Contd from Metal Finishing Abstract | |
912 | Synthetic Metals | Synthetic Met (Switz) | 3 | 1980 | 0 | 0379-6779 | 1980:Discontd |
913 | T.N.O Metalinstitunt (Dutch) | TNO Met Dutch (Nether) | 12 | 1963 | 0 | 1963-70:Cancelled | |
914 | Taikabutsu Overseas | Taikabutsu O (Jap) | 3 | 1986 | 0 | 0285-0028 | 1986+ |
915 | Talanta | Talanta (UK) | 12 | 1973 | 0 | 0039-9140 | 1973-1998: Discontd |
916 | Tamil Arasu | Tamil Arasu (IN) | 6 | 1973 | 0 | 1973-80/1975/:Discontd, Ammalgamating Ind_Com Journal | |
917 | Tata Technology | Tata Tech (IN) | 3 | 1988 | 0 | 1988+:Contd from TISCO Tech. Journal | |
918 | Technical Bulletin | Tech Bull (IN) | 12 | 1983 | 0 | 1983+(1983-90) | |
919 | Technical Review | Tech Rev (Jap) | 3 | 1964 | 0 | 1964+ | |
920 | Technology | Technology (IN) | 3 | 1964 | 0 | 1964-1975(1975):Contd as Fertilizer Technology | |
921 | Technology Awareness Service (Supplement to Research and Industry) | Tech Aware Ser (IN) | 3 | 1975 | 0 | 1975-83/1978/:Discontd | |
922 | Technology Transfer International | Tech Tran Intl (UK) | 12 | 1986 | 0 | 1986-90:Discontd | |
923 | Thirty Three (33) Metal Producing | Thirtythree Met Prod (USA) | 12 | 1964 | 0 | 1964-91/1965,1968-72,1976-80/(1991):Discontd | |
924 | Times Review of Industryand Technology | Times Rev Ind Tech (UK) | 12 | 1961 | 0 | 1961-65:Ceased | |
925 | Times Science Review | Times Sci R (UK) | 3 | 1961 | 0 | 1961-65: Ceased | |
926 | Tin and Its Uses | Tin Use (UK) | 3 | 1958 | 0 | 1958-91:Discontd | |
927 | TISCO Technical Journal | TISCO Tech J (IN) | 3 | 1953 | 0 | 1953-1986: Ceased, Contd as Tata Tech | |
928 | Tonindustrie-Zeitung (German) | Tonind Zeitung (Ger) | 12 | 1954 | 0 | 1954-89/1977-80/:Discontd | |
929 | Tool and Alloy Steel | Tool A Steel (IN) | 6 | 1968 | 0 | 1968+(1995-97) | |
930 | Tooling | Tooling (UK) | 12 | 1966 | 0 | 1966-1981:Discontd | |
931 | Trans. | Trans. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1871-1946: Discontd. | |
932 | Trans. I & S (Div.) | Trans. I & S (Div.) | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1928-1937 | |
933 | Transaction Iron and Steel Institute of Japan (ISIJ) | T Iron Steel Inst Japan (ISIJ)(Jap) | 12 | 1966 | 0 | 1966-88:Contd from Tetsu-To-Hagane Overseas Contd as ISIJ International | |
934 | Transaction North East Coast Institute of Engineers and Ship Builders | T NE Coast Inst Engr (UK) | 1 | 1953 | 0 | 1953-66:Discontd | |
935 | Transaction of AIME:Mining Engineers | T AIME Min Engr (USA) | 6 | 1964 | 0 | 1964-88:Contd as Transaction Society for Mining Metallurgy & Exploration | |
936 | Transaction of Institute of Welding | T Inst Weld | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1953 | |
937 | Transaction of National Research Institute for Metals | T Nat Res Inst Met (Jap) | 6 | 1959 | 0 | 1959-91(1991):Contd as NRIM Research Activities | |
938 | Transaction of Non-Ferrous Metals Society of China | T Non-Ferr Met Soc China (China) | 1 | 1992 | 0 | 1992-1993(1992): Discontd | |
939 | Transaction of the American Foundryman Society | T Am Foundry Soc (USA) | 1 | 1946 | 0 | 1946+/1947-51, 1953-54, 1956, 1958/ | |
940 | Transaction of the British Ceramic Society | T Br Ceram Soc (UK) | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1960+ | |
941 | Transaction of the Faraday Society | T Faraday Soc (UK) | 12 | 1946 | 0 | 1946-71:Contd as Journal of Chem. Society Faraday Transaction-Pt.I & II | |
942 | Transaction of the Indian Ceramic Society | T Indian Ceram Soc (IN) | 6 | 1949 | 0 | 1949+(1981)/1986-94/ | |
943 | Transaction of the Indian Institute of Metals | T Indian Inst Met (IN) | 3 | 1948 | 0 | 0972-2815 | 1948+/1967/ |
944 | Transaction of the Institute of Metals Finishing | T Inst Met Finish (UK) | 3 | 1953 | 0 | 1953-1999: Discontd | |
945 | Transaction of the Japan Institute of Metals | T Japan Inst Met (Jap) | 6 | 1966 | 0 | 1966-88:Contd as Materials Transaction JIM | |
946 | Transaction of the Metallurgy Society of AIME | T Metall Soc AIME (USA) | 12 | 1958 | 0 | 1958-69:Contd as Metallurgy Transaction | |
947 | Transaction of the Mining, Geological and Metallurgy Institute of India | T Min Geol Metall (IN) | 12 | 1961 | 0 | 1961-75:Discontd | |
948 | Transaction PMAI | T PMAI (IN) | 1 | 1982 | 0 | 1982-97: Discontd | |
949 | Transaction Society Advance of Electrochemical Science and Tech.(SAEST) | T Soc A Electrochem (SAEST) (IN) | 3 | 1967 | 0 | 1967+ | |
950 | Transactions of AIME | T AIME (USA) | 1 | 0 | 0 | ||
951 | Transactions of American Electrochemical Society | T Am Electrochem Soc (USA) | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1903+ | |
952 | Transactions of American Society of Metals | T Am Soc Met (USA) | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1949+ | |
953 | Transactions of Institute of Met. Division | T Inst Met Div | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1927+ | |
954 | Transactions of the Institution of Marine Engineers | T Inst Marine Engr | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1965+ | |
955 | Transactions Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration | T Soc Min Metall E (USA) | 1 | 1989 | 0 | 1989-1994:Contd from Transaction AIME: Mining Engrs | |
956 | Tsvetnve (Soviet Journal of Non-Ferrous Metals) | Tsvetnve Soviet J (USA) | 12 | 1960 | 0 | 1960+/1979-82 | |
957 | Tungsten News | Tungsten New (USA) | 3 | 1970 | 0 | 1970-1985:Ceased | |
958 | Tungsten Today | Tungsten Today (USA) | 3 | 1982 | 0 | 1982-83:Ceased | |
959 | Two Thousand One (2001) Science and Technology | Two Thous Sci Tech (IN) | 12 | 1988 | 0 | 1988-92(1988-92): Suspended, contd from Science Today | |
960 | UNESCO Chronicle | UNESCO Chron (Fran) | 12 | 1962 | 0 | 1962-75/1975/Contd as Energy Digest | |
961 | University News | Univ News (IN) | 52 | 1993 | 0 | 0566-2257 | 1993+/1993/(2002) |
962 | University of Roorkee Research | Univ Roorkee Res (IN) | 1 | 1963 | 0 | 1963-67:Ceased | |
963 | Urja: Energy Affairs | Urja Energy A (IN) | 12 | 1978 | 0 | 1978-93 (1993):Discontd | |
964 | USSR Abstracts Journal of Metallurgy | USSR Abst J Metall | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1961+ | |
965 | Vacuum | Vacuum (UK) | 12 | 1951 | 0 | 0042-207X | 1951-77:Discontd |
966 | Verreset Refractories | Verreset Refract | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1954 | |
967 | Vigyan Pragati | Vigyan Pragati (IN) | 12 | 1959 | 0 | 0042-6075 | 1959+/1974-78/(2000,2001) |
968 | Vigyan Scientific American (Indian edition) | Vigyan Sci Am (IN) | 12 | 1992 | 0 | 1992(1992):Ceased | |
969 | Vikalpa | Vikalpa (IN) | 3 | 1990 | 0 | 1990-92: Discontd | |
970 | Waste Management | Waste Manage (UK) | 8 | 2001 | 0 | 0956-053X | 2001+ |
971 | Wear | Wear (Switz) | 12 | 1957 | 0 | 0043-1648 | 1957-89(1989):Discontd |
972 | Welding and Metal Fabrication | Weld Met Fab (UK) | 6 | 1973 | 0 | 1973-2000: Discontd | |
973 | Welding Journal | Weld J (USA) | 12 | 1954 | 0 | 0043-2296 | 1954-2000: Discontd |
974 | Welding Production | Weld Prod (UK) | 12 | 1962 | 0 | 1962-76:Discontd | |
975 | Westinghouse Engineer | Westing Engr (UK) | 6 | 1954 | 0 | 1954-74:Ceased | |
976 | Wire and Wire Products | Wire Wire P (UK) | 12 | 1958 | 0 | 1958-72(1972):Contd as Wire Journal | |
977 | Wire Industry | Wire Ind (UK) | 12 | 1974 | 0 | 1974-2000: Discontd | |
978 | Wire Journal | Wire J (UK) | 12 | 1972 | 0 | 1972-82(1972):Discontd, Contd from Wire & Wire Products | |
979 | Wire World | Wire World (West Ger) | 6 | 1988 | 0 | 1988-90:Discontd, Contd from Wire World Intl | |
980 | Wire World International | Wire W Intl (West Ger) | 6 | 1975 | 0 | 1975-87:Contd as Wire World | |
981 | Work Study | Work Study (UK) | 12 | 1966 | 0 | 1966-81:Discontd | |
982 | World Aluminium Abstracts | World Aluminium A (USA) | 12 | 1970 | 0 | 1970-91(1970):Discontd, Contd from Aluminium Absts | |
983 | World Calender Fourth Comming Meeting | World Cal Meet (UK) | 6 | 1966 | 0 | 1966-73/1969/:Ammalgamated with Metals & Materials(Supplement) | |
984 | World Ceramic Abstracts | World Ceram A (UK) | 12 | 1989 | 0 | 1989-90:Discontd, Contd from British Ceramic Abstract | |
985 | World Ceramics and Refractories | World Ceram Refrac (UK) | 6 | 1990 | 0 | 1990-2000:Contd from Refractories Journal | |
986 | World Metal Statistics | World Met Stat (UK) | 12 | 1967 | 0 | 1967-1998: Discontd | |
987 | World Metal Statistics (Quarterly Summary) | World Met Stat Qtr (UK) | 3 | 1992 | 0 | 1992-1998/1992/:Discontd | |
988 | World Mineral Statistics | World Miner Stat (UK) | 1 | 1970 | 0 | 1970-1994:Discontd, Contd form Statistical Summary of Mineral Industry | |
989 | World Science News | World Sci News (IN) | 52 | 1989 | 0 | 1989-1997: Discontd | |
990 | X-ray Spectrometry | X-ray Spectrom (UK) | 3 | 1978 | 0 | 0049-8246 | 1978+ |
991 | Year Book American Bureau of Metal Statistics | YearB Am B Met Stat (USA) | 1 | 1965 | 0 | 1965-73:Contd as Non-ferrous Metal Data | |
992 | Yearbook | Yr. Bk. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1912-1945: Discontd. | |
993 | Yojana | Yojana (IN) | 24 | 1962 | 0 | 0971-8400 | 1962+(1996)/1997-2003/ |
994 | Zeitschrift fur Metalkunde | Z Metallkd (West Ger) | 12 | 1970 | 0 | 0044-3093 | 1970+/2002/ |
995 | Zinc Abstract | Zinc Abst (IN) | 3 | 1959 | 0 | 1959-86:Contd as Zincscan | |
996 | Zincscan | Zincscan (IN) | 3 | 1987 | 0 | 1987-93:Discontd |